Pro white legal org

Richard Houck is planning to form a legal organization that is pro-white. It would be the counter to the ADL or SPLC.
Thoughts on this?

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That would be nice


Anti Replacement League

Aryan Resistance League

Pro Defamation League

What will it be called? Brainstorm!

I would be careful and sceptical about it.

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Rich has some good tweets but he’s not even white. That photo he has is the whitest one he’s got. He’s also a low t vegan.

People of Law
Bc teh acronym would be pol


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I will setup reoccurring payments to donate every time I get a pay check if this actually happens.

>pro-defamation league
Hi fellow Yas Forumsack

Sounds awesome but probably won’t happen.


I’m experimenting with spelling via trip. Might find a cool word that I like.

I'm sure this won't be a thinly veiled grift or homosexual grooming outfit just like every other organization put together by the "alt-right"
Anyone remember Phalanx?

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Organized for
Care of
Or cock for short

link or report.

It's called congress.

the Gay Nigger Association

he can't form grammatically correct sentences so no i don't trust this brainlet with anything that sophisticated.

anything that fucks with the ADL to even the slightest degree is based as fuck
it would not even matter to me who ran said organisation or what their motives were, because fucking with the ADL is the most righteous of acts in defence of the white race that any man can undertake

Seems a bit too dnc for me. Shills are seething confirmed.

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>send donation
>end up on bad goy list

Is he serious or just tweeting? Because tweets are lies 100% of the time. I need pol to determine truth for me.

If it is true then that is actually pretty cool. There are no groups that stand up for white rights besides onces that are just shit....i mean seriously? Nazi larpers and fucking ghosts? Embarrassing that they're even white.


Disenfranchised Humanities Coalition

>"With legal assistance from the DHC, a florida man who said the N-word 10 years ago in call of duty, was cleared of hate crime charges after he fatally shot a home intruder"


All we would actually need is a group that lobbies the government to protect our rights. Provides legal defense for young whites and creates scholarships for whites. We don't need LARPing paintball teams or protests.

National Society for Disadvantaged American Patriots


Nigger we're all on lists already.

European Ancestry International.
Steal a number from Bnai Brith.

This actually needs to happen.

Boys have a lot of problems in our society stemming from systemic bias.

And its not just white boys, its black boys, and brown boys too.

They need a lobbying group that can stand up agaisnt powerful interests that dont want them to suceed.

I would call it the Association for the Advancement of Boys and Men.

Boys really do actually need advocates in school and in life. By every metric they have tons of problems which can be solved by structural reform.


I support it


Keepers of Empirirical Knowledge

Knights and Employees of Khazars


Good luck to him

Based & Deutschland-approved

Why is this an issue? Every other race and castes have this. Don't be afraid to take what yours, whities.

United Gentile Appeal UGA

I hope he won't back down. I'm tired of the only people helping us being biker gangs and nazi larpers