An user who got into one of the Wuhan Institute of Virology accounts started translating Wang's research article titles, pic related.

Are we fucked bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Poggers, archive everything you fucking can.

Fucking bump!

Are these threads seriously getting removed?

Stop that shit. I am interested.

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HIV was Gods cure to kill rid the world of fags. Only God can cure the righteous.


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psa: keep a look in this thread since its never die and we organizing there

Is there a dump torrent?


That is no excuse for the righteous to not prepare.
With HIV, It only meant no fag fucking or anal. What ever the fuck "could" be coming, will take new precautions.

See for yourself

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Fuck yeah... I really hope this isn't fake
I have automated data harvesting an collation on this chan
I may open it up soon. Lots of crazy shit happening.

just like the antifa firepatrol threads, anything that actually involves real life is "doxxing" according to the dabbable jannys

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anonfile.com/nfE1Hdrao4/_pol_-_WUHAN_HACKED_SERVERS_GENERAL_1_-_Politically_Incorrect_-_Yas Forums_2020-04-21_4_22_01_AM_html

(( Last thread that got 404d)


One of those emails belongs to tedros.... which is it

It is over.

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this shit is probably why Yas Forums is being spammed with Kim Jong Un honestly. this is some serious shit we're playing with, once again.

Noooooo you cant just disprove it's a nothingburger by logging into the chinerino servers.
No the heckin misinformation payment hiroshimoot is getting N0000 DOWNVOTE THIS

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I was just about to say the same. This is the real shit, Kim is bait

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So, anyone have a QRD up until now? Has OP translated much yet?

>China made this
>China accidentally released it

More news at eleven. We've known this since January, it's nice to see additional evidence backing said theory though - in the very least we know for a fact it was man made.

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^ this

[e]dit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

What should be their punishment, Yas Forums?

this "shit" was all planted you you could hack it
fucking retards

if I throw the Chinese runes bullshit into Google translate what will it return if somebody wrote Bill, William, Gates, or Microsoft?

I still don’t know what it means that the virus contains HIV, like there are so many genome sequences in that virus, we don’t exactly know which ones got put in there and what their functionality is.

It will come back Woogity Woogity Trust the Plan RFK

The google translated bit isn't anywhere on the pic though. I'm not saying it's a nothing burger but can we get some better pics of the juicy stuff?

To what end?

Jesus fuck full damage control

If you look at OP's pic it says Splicing HIV SNP
That means a single-nucleotide polymorphism:
Modified virus
AML983 Idk but AML is Leukemia
Take it as you will.

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The day of Adolf Hitler's birth, 04/20/2020, has been the biggest Happening day I can remember in years. His spirit watches from the grave.

Someone leaked a bunch of usernames & passwords for some of the Chinese virologists that worked at the Wuhan lab.

Supposedly there's CCTV footage of one of the virologists leaving a block of dry ice containing the virus to melt in the wet market in Wuhan but there's 0 confirmation at the moment.

Check the pastebin, there's literally 2000+ username password combos which is why it was leaked. It'd be pretty impressive to falsify data for that many accounts especially when there's links to the site on other pages suggesting it's actually used by people. We're essentially being used to sweep for information. I wouldn't touch this shit with a 10' pole without a VPN - that's for sure.

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How is this still up? Why haven't Chinese intelligence taken this site down yet?

Oh fuck the hacker known as Yas Forums strikes again.

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Lmao what are you idiots even hoping to find at this point? Nothing interesting has been found so far. How many threads of this shit have been made again?

Nah he’s back on earth