Cont from >>254360381

Cont from Secret compound in the middle of California desert

>24 foot high walls
>4 foot thick
>sue everyone who flies over it out of business
>claims to be an olive farm
>no olive trees
>even sue a government agency and win

Attached: 1587422009175.webm (854x480, 2.41M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Absolutely the most glowing and shill riddled topic right off the bat

What about the music festival? Red flags? Connected?

Attached: 0202-beyonce-coachella-getty-4.jpg (718x559, 94.85K)

They'll never know about my Secret Limes.

Attached: Citrus x virgata 2.jpg (240x210, 9.73K)

Only one source in the wikipedia article works for me. If it's like this for everyone the whole article might get axed.


>literally surrounded by trees


Dude who posted the picture of the girl standing in the middle of the road

Attached: 1587427179989.png (75x75, 11.99K)

The fact this is gaining attention literally has them shaking. Keep it up and make the discussion big enough and the whole compound will likely be disappeared or memory-holed.

What's the name of the compound?

I want to look up videos about it

The Coachella Valley has lots of land thats good for farming. Everything East of Beaumont on the I-10 is spooky but pretty geographically diverse.

hard raid does not suit our purposes. killdozer would be fun but not effective for exposing whatever this is. either go tech, paper trail, or soft targets. just putting this out there but fucking retards now can't keep off social media. you saw it in the pizzagate, they outright brag in their little codewords about shit they do. we have a few names, it should be possible to find their social media.

user who was mapping the shell companies: any of them could have a legal or financial lead under them. someone could write a script to automatically check all the public information repositories that would be relevant.

This smells like a Chinese attempt to get Americans to attack their own country to me. We should focus our collective efforts on the enemies of whites, not shoot ourselves in the foot.

You won't find shit on YouTube let me spare your time

JCM farming owns it. It is apparently both "just an olive farm" but also "secretly a meeting place for influential or ultra-wealthy individuals" like the Bilderburg meetings

Stop posting shit like this. Stop threatening violence in a public forum.

looks like a cartel hacienda.

Attached: 1556979197265.jpg (640x619, 228.7K)

It's so fucking glowing and shilled that I'm beginning to smell a slide thread.
Where did these threads come from?

It's fucking random and weird.
Dat drone footage though. What the fuck is that shit? Why did an user have that?

There's probably a larger underground complex. Possibly a black site, or narco trafficking house

>oasis ranch
>mission santa rosa ranch
there's more but that's all i can remember for now

they're both asian. i'd say ethnic chinese (possibly not national chinese though, since chinks spread diaspora around).

Hey Yas Forums, check it out.

The old maps of the underground US military lines go through the Chocolate Mountains, Coachella and Palms.

Attached: lol.png (1430x526, 300.87K)

>mossad is here
The sooner we raid this shit the better.

By next month they will have cleared out al the kids and bodies.

It looks like many compounds in the Coachella valley, so yeah - likely a cartel compound.
They're fucking everywhere in commiefornia.

you dumb nigger i just said violence wouldn't get us what we want. illiterate upside down faggot. go suck a dropbear's penis off.

Looks like something a sandnigger would design.

>building an underground facility on a fault line next to a toxic pool of stagnant water (the salton sea) and near mud spots
Nah mate. I could understand this if it was in nevada (where the military has it's "ayylmao" bases), but not on the san andreas fault.

>Dat drone footage though. What the fuck is that shit? Why did an user have that?
it's from a youtube channel that just goes around filming billionaire homes with a drone. the specific vid has been removed from the channel now.

There's been around 30 posts all saying the same shit, killdozer, raid the compound, poison the compound, drive through the gates, etc. Please stop saying shit like this, you will regret it when it's held against both yourself and Yas Forums.
Please stop being baited into falling for the narrative.

Look at the location using the coordinates that were provided in the previous thread and examine it using the heat mapping site. Remember when anons found out about DUMBs and other underground mountain bases because of all the mil personnel wearing fitbits that had a traceable electronic heat signature? I member.

There's an Eremolemon that lives there apparently.

Attached: Eremolemon.jpg (800x600, 373.85K)

What is irrigation? Just a water conspiracy!

Why do you think that?
This fucking thread is nothing but forcing memes.

Everything East of fucking Los Angeles is spooky user lol look at fucking Calimesa alone lol dumb faggot

I bet you live in Beaumont lol it’s a shithole man!

American flag by pool

The catalog is full of slide threads all at once, women hate, pol humour, omg degeneracy guise, etc etc

Well no shit if they sue motherfuckers.

>no olive trees
Ummm...see all the green looking stuff SURROUNDING THE COMPOUND??

Thats just some fucking megaballer...that setup is millions per year in water alone

Looks like a place for scientology.

>likely a cartel compound.
>They're fucking everywhere in commiefornia.
nigel is in the know.

Yeah because China is beginning to feel threatened I suspect.
That and the oil companies are doing some fucky things.

not sure if larp.
man, i really hate how creepy our military/govt is. all the black money projects they do all over the place. gives me the spooks. fucking glowniggery.

funny how those seem to map 1:1 with human trafficking routes from my memory. they also had a hub leading from the border up north to the denver/front range area. probably pizzagate is all glownigger funded. man. god damned we need a full investigation and audit of all the money and power in this country. god damned creeps.

Thats my house. Leave me alone.

It's just a farm, bro!
Random guy from Cali was out flying his drone and stumbled across the compound hidden in trees. The video was posted here this morning and anons have speculated what it might be. The owner of the ranch is linked to a myriad of fake companies.

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Maybe the fault line IS the tunnel.

Dude, wwwwst, like, they knew Yas Forumsacks were digging into them that they had to kill Kim to distract you.
dude just

>held against both yourself and Yas Forums.
newfaggot. we talked like this for years. go back to r***** and fuck your optics on the way out. Yas Forums is the board EXPOSING pedos and childfuckers, we are the law and justice now.

all you're doing here is shilling you fucking kike. mad your shit is about to be exposed? your days are numbered.

I'm in Yucaipa, so pretty close. Calimesa is interesting, though. Has the broken animatronic clock tower show. And Bob's Big Boy, I guess.

You see shit like this in Aus where everyone knows "a guy like that". Normally bikies in our case though.
Some normal people have large compounds like this.
Some of them illegally keep their Murray Cod in them, but you never heard that from me.

What are the coordinates?

Yeah, there's nothing extremely fucking weird about this place and we should all leave this thread, forget this topic, and browse one of the fine BBC threads the catalog is currently offering.

There's nothing weird about anything, really.

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Interestingly enough merv griffen way is 1 mile away.
Another walled compound with a gap surrounding it and its own horse track

Attached: Polish_20200420_231859959.jpg (1199x1122, 1.4M)

>funny how those seem to map 1:1 with human trafficking routes from my memory. they also had a hub leading from the border up north to the denver/front range area

All from memory?

33.652033 minus 116.223069

LA is a cursed area even the pre-USA native americans noticed this

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Ew. kys

MQ2G+RP La Quinta, California


2 compounds right near Coachella festival
And this shit is not in middle of desert by itself its fucking palm springs.

Attached: Polish_20200420_231356969.jpg (1627x955, 1.27M)

Looks like a nice rehab center.

fucking chink

you lads feeling sleepy?

Keep falling for the same tricks, user. Keep being baited into being exactly what they want you to be for their narrative. I'll enjoy seeing the MSM posts about how the nutjobs from Yas Forums are planning to bomb a poor little olive growing farm that didn't do anything wrong ever when you retards inevitably fuck this up for the rest of the people doing actual digging and investigation because LARPing about how you're going to drive a truck through the compound and kill everyone like an action hero was too tempting.

Where did this blog post come from?
Also it's a bit strange why they focus on this particular compound randomly.
I don't know if that's just the feds being retarded.

It could be a drug supplier for coachella though. That wouldn't be too far fetched.
Stop ruining Coachella though :^)

>And this shit is not in middle of desert by itself its fucking palm springs.
palm springs is in the middle of the desert m80

shut up chink before we glass your ass
5G faggot

I have an idea! Let's bat the beehive!

>reddit spacing
>he cant even remember a simple map
cia isn't hiring the best, are they? tsk tsk. guess you guys took a budget hit when we put the spotlight on comet pizza and drove you underground.
you cant hide from the internet. kill one user and 2 more take his place. it's up to you how big this gets. your move, glowy.

probably some california democrat who hates Trump wall built themselves a 24ft wall to keep illegal mexicants out

surprise surprise

>Everything East of Beaumont on the I-10 is spooky

What do you mean Spooky?

remember what julian assange said about smart evil dust

Damn man, good catch. Merv griffin "died" in 2007, may be living there. The lawsuits preventing aerial photography started in 2009

Considering the USGS cover up the fault rumblings in Oregon and not in Coachella, I doubt it.
Also look at the Geothermal operations around the area. You can see them from satellite.


have you heard about the Merv Griffen Horse Rape conspiracy

shut up chink Huawei faggot

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That meme stopped being hilarious when I first came hear early 2017

Epic response. I like how I'm not even saying don't investigate this shit, just "hey maybe stop making threats in a publicly viewable forum" and apparently that makes me a chink kike mossad pedo elite monarch programmed shill. Almost as if the people posting these threats and posting these baity posts want to paint everyone in them a certain way, huh.

Check out the glowing warning they threw in just as the last thread archived.
which then would I think coincide with the content of the image in
The image mentions the Bohemian Grove and Easter ritual plans. In other words, blood libel. Examine the hidden history of blood libel and you discover how often it's done on Easter and by whom, likely as an inversion and perversion of the normal perception of Easter. Simon of Trent was an example of one such event.