Why did Americans only get a one time payment of 1200$ and Canadians got 2000$ for 4 months?
Is Canada richer than the US?
Why did Americans only get a one time payment of 1200$ and Canadians got 2000$ for 4 months?
Is Canada richer than the US?
Wtf did I just read.
Some of us didn't even get our trump bucks yet. But uh...you're a leaf so your opinion does not matter.
cuz best country
Cause Americans are “based” and socialism is bad, unless it’s to multi billion dollar.comoanies cause ....jobs, that went away 20 years ago. Seriously the modern American voter is a fucking idiot,
Is this guy stupid?
They made it so you could at least afford a week of food.
The non-bullshit answer: the Canadian one is unemployment and loss of pay/job , the American one is a stimulus/ relief payment. Americans can also file for unemployment and get more gibs, because this stimulus payment has nothing to do with unemployment. Americans get the stimulus payment whether they lost their jobs or not, and whether they collect social security/neetbux/ unemployment or not. Everyone gets the covid payment who makes less than 100k.
TLDR; they are two different payments and OP is leaf/faggot
That fucking luxury Campbell's soup costs an arm and a leg!
Dems want to give 2k a month for a year. Won't happen because only jews are allowed to have the product of american labor.
not if you're poor without a tax record, or a college student.
the non-filers submission form seems to be directly set up for the poorest and most vulnerable, yet the IRS assumes dependancy for poor people, making them ineligible.
And then they close the file and tell you to fuck off and don't let you resubmit or alter the non-filer submission and they just straight-up delete it so you can't access payment status. Almost like you never filed at all. Some IRS nigger redirects your a payment then closes your file and there is no accountability. You can't call the IRS, you can't resubmit, their social media is run by an advertising bot agency, theres no one to contact. Just a "fuck you we're taking advantage of the fact you don't exist and will continue pretending you don't exist".
Fuck the IRS.
Trusting the IRS with gibs payments is like trusting a fucking homeless cokefiend with goodwill money to get him back on his feet.
no offense, but you are all over the place. What makes you think that they "assume dependency"? Either someone has claimed you as a dependent or not, what evidence do have that they assumed you were someones dependents?
People have been having trouble with the system for days, and people have also been getting their money too, what evidence do you have that you are special and that someone redirected your payment and then closed your account?
Honestly you sound paranoid, anyone can access the payment status page, whether they have an account or not, and put their information in, if it then says status unavailable then you are one of the millions of people who haven't had their information put into the system yet. It was the same for me until yesterday and I checked everyday. You need to relax. It is doubtful that your payment has even been sent yet, let alone redirected by a thief withing the IRS who then deleted your account.
It's to compensate for the cost of food.
Thr rule isn't whether or not you were claimed.
The rule is whether or not you can be, and anyone actually can be claimed as a dependant.
The IRS invents an imaginary fairy godmother caretaker for you and closes your file. Oh, you're poor? Surely you must be someones dependant because you can't possibly survive on your own lack of money.
I got fucking poorshamed by the IRS and ineligible to receive free money because I only have $23 in my bank account.
>working shitty restaurant job
>one shift a week because who knows why
>paychecks were usually 150-200 CAD biweekly
>corona chan hits
>get paid 2000 CAD every 30 days
>Gst cheque + triple GST cheque came in the mail
>still selling shit under the table
Because a bag of leaves is worth more than Canadian money.
I did the non-filer submission last week and received mear instant notification that the IRS received my form. I then learned about the Get My Payment button and would try logging into that once a day to see how it was going. I was getting the "payment status unavailable" message for days and then today I went to go check again and it just gives me a red error message saying my information doesn't match their records. I try again thinking I made a typo, but I get the 24 hour lock-out on the second attempt. They literally deleted my submission. I could track it even uselessly before via "status unavailable" but now they apparently have 0 record of me.
if you have a social security number
anyone saying anything else is spreading disinformation because they dont want you getting your money.
Americans get Trumpbux
Canadians get cuckbux
Why do Australians get $2400 a month for 6 months if you're not working or 3000 a month if you still have a job?
About 80 times your population leaf. I did get a chuckle being reminded of that comic tho lmao. The mustache always bugged me
Poutinenigger, we're about to get $2,000 a month for 6-12 months
Only for neet parasites. Im gettin 4k a month for 4 months on top of the 1.2k. Feels good making more on unemployment than while working
The "most vulnerable" lol. You sound like a faggot. Why the fuck should people who dont work even get a relief check? Corona didnt change their lives one bit and here come the NEETS crying and screeching for sympathy bux