Why do Trump supporters ignore the fact that Trump and his administration are the most Jewish thing to ever happen to the White House?
Why do Trump supporters ignore the fact that Trump and his administration are the most Jewish thing to ever happen to...
I hate kikes as much as anyone but if you don't play ball with at least one faction of them you'll never make it beyond mayor of a small town.
Jews are growing on me desu senpai.
This is a cope.
The jew factions are at war, important concept...
Media jews, Legal jews and education Jews are clearly indoctrinated by an insane Marxist utopia idea they think they can realize if they just cheat and subvert enough.
The war Jews and orthodox jews understand the the west is already theirs and they need to fight off the low IQ third worlders or be destroyed.
Reminder it only takes five minutes to make a fake discord
oh my God, trump looks like THAT? Damn...
also OP is a 50 cent shill
Even though you are a kike from the tranny discord trying to stir up dissent like you do every single other goddamn day one of you trannies post this thread...
... in the words of Beanie Boy. It's complicated.
Trump is the Eternal Kike. Yet Trump has been sucking Israel's cock so hard even normies have started to notice, to ask why. The hate of Jews spreads to every corner of even real life now. People are noticing as jewish degeneracy grows. People are noticing the hate led by jews on jewish media. People now distrust the jew media. All because of Zion Don.
It's an odd situation. He floods his staff with jews, and people start noticing. Trump supports the jews but simultaneously makes people hate the jews for it. It's the closest thing to actual 4D chess. It's curious. It's like if you want more people to notice the Rabbi won't stop sucking baby cocks, you invite the Rabbi to the White House and start sucking cocks on the front lawn together, while the jew media watches.
I don't trust him, but his existence has pushed us closer to 110 than we have been in a long, long time. And for that, I will continue to watch and touch myself, thinking about the day we can finally put a bullet in you parasitic juden. No trained bears. No air-pumps in your anus. Just a bullet.
Because it's easier to live perpetually in that high energy optimistic 2016 mindset when Trump hadn't betrayed us yet than to face reality and move on.
>... I've been found out!
who do you think backs the democrats? why do you think "partiless libertarians" never get anywhere? you need a propaganda machine and a following beyond the friends and family that organically back you. the kikes offer an immediate platform and protection from the character assassination and shitstorm the other side will bring. why do you think Trump escapes unescathed through all these scandals? he has an equally, nay, MORE POWERFUL apparatus defending him and keeping him safe. kikes are the most conniving evil group on the planet. the only way to beat kikes is to have a different group of kikes on your side that wants to one up the others. the hope is that you get what you want while conceding they're gonna have to get some or all of what they want. democracy as a true concept died centuries ago.
>leftists organize to criticize trump
>therefore any criticism of trump is a leftist shill
>therefore trump is immune to criticism and we can just ignore it without addressing it
See how this puts you on the same level as leftists?
fuck off shareblue
real life isn't pol... people are more accepting of jews than ever
>The war Jews and orthodox jews understand the the west is already theirs and they need to fight off the low IQ third worlders or be destroyed.
Yeah, and you know, rebuilding the third temple and bringing about the antichrist to ferment their global rule over the goyim slaves
show flag, kike
Because they are literally astroturfing shills or braindead morons.
Anyone who thinks Drumpf is not working for (((ZOG))) is a fool.
When will Israelcucks get the rope?
Border Status:
shill more.
>why do MIGApedes love Israel and Jews
Gee that's a tough one, why don't you and /ptg/ both go back to plebbit and debate it there.
The small faction, conservative Jews, isn't against us. It's the marxist Jews that want our sons tucking their cocks and eating estrogen pills while we live off of bug cummies. There's nothing wrong with orthodox Jews, the secular Jews are the ones running the show.
Trump is the least Jewish president since Kennedy, dipshit.
The office of POTUS is corrupted.
everyday until November...
blocks your path
Fuck off shill. They are all bad. They all run the show. The Orthodox Jews are even worse. They want you to serve them. They want to rebuild the temple in Israel and command the world from there while you bow down to them. These are the jews that control Trump.
It’s two sides of the same shekel.
it's a major problem with me.
Some of the most hardcore Trump supporters are the real evangelicals. I mean the low-educated Pentecostals and such.
They see no conflict with Jews because they identify Jews as god's people and where Jesus comes from. Also their role in prophecy. Some of the churches keep an Israeli flag right beside their altar.
Not coincidentally, many of these people have never had any real contact with a Jewish person.
I drive by this one guy's house daily that has a 15+ foot flagpole with a Confederate flag on top, and an Israeli flag right below it. No US flag to be seen.
I know he's probably Pentecostal or Baptist or something, but everybody calls him the Rebel Jew. Pic very related.
Ok but what industries with influence do orthodox Jews control? Don't worry, I'll wait.
Why do jews always make these threads?
Fox News is the most pro-Israel network. Liberal media doesn't run "donate to Israel goy" ads. Obama skipped out on kissing Israel's ass on a world tour and Republicans jump down his throat.
They ignore everything about him. Not only that they won't own up to anything. They can't, the minute they admit fault all his other faults can be admitted. They just deny.
They literally control the government retard. Ever heard of Chabad? Are you familiar with Jared Kushner?
The white house has always been jewed
Counter-shilling at its gayest.