Trudeau would wipe the fucking floor with trump...

Trudeau would wipe the fucking floor with trump. If international politics were decided by physical combat then canadians would dominate americans and our pathetic fat leader. Canadians would have a metaphorical high heel stomping on our small american penis because of how weak and inferior donald trump is to justin. Justin would only need to throw a single punch to donald trump and he would probably fill his pants with shit from his awful mcdonalds diet and obesity. Ive already taken steps towards paying tribute and submitting to canadians so that when they attack us i am spared. I suggest all americans do the same

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You just know

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If that was the case then people would just vote for really strong men to be their leaders...then it'd be the strongest most roided out fighter who rules the world. This is why the nigger doesn't rule the world. Sure they can be strong (due to their disregard for personal safety and future prospects) but they're dumb as fuck.
Anyways Trudeau would prob get blacked if things were decided that way

god I would rail melania so hard

I'd rather assert dominance by fucking trump in his fat orange loose hole

Beta cuck

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Trudeau is such a fucking leaf faggot.

name a single african leader who could beat trudeau in a boxing match?

But they don’t

He looks like he used to be jacked but lost a lot of weight a la doesn't work out.

On topic: Trudeau is like 30 years younger than Trump. Safe to say it's obvious he would win as people fight at Trudeau's age.

Trudeau couldn't wipe his own ass without slipping in a digit. Fuck that faggot.

I'll wait.

Also: White people have more people ranked in all combat sports in all weight classes than all other races combined.

Barack Obama.

>he doesnt slip a finger in just to check if hes done wiping
user i....


I don't think that high heel is metaphorical if we're talking about canadians.

Memes aside
He is the toughest politician since Putin
The dude use to bounce as well not just box
He’s do well in a slav parliament brawl and then bang their wives
Trudeau is the chad we want to be
Tall n handsome
Tough n athletic
Successful and powerful

Practically Arnold good

Jagmeet Singh does heavy lifting mma and was a successful lawyer plus speaks 3 languages

Orben being a beta bitch

god Canadians are such massive pushover faggots. go back to your home country op they deserve you

too bad he's openly gay

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This thread begs the question. Is there any world leader Trudeau couldn’t beat? Does Canada technically have the strongest and most capable fighter of all the worlds leaders? Americans please feel free to chime in.

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Out of all world leaders I think only Putin may be able to beat him in physical combat, but Putin is getting pretty old

>Trudeau would wipe the fucking floor with trump.
Trump is 97 years old you dullard.

trump is eldery, he is over 70 lol, don't surprise me a guy half his age could beat him

Luckily running a country takes brains, Something Canadians lack.

>If international politics were decided by physical combat then canadians would dominate americans
Say hello to Mr. President Brock Lesner

hes literally fake

hes also a cuckold


he would knuckle sammich putin and then pants him on stage.

hes not 97 wtf
