what are we gonna do to save this shithole of a country, to preserve gaelic culture and strengthen our military?
Éire Thread
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learn irish and use it, an teanga sean needs all the help it get
And you call Anglos colonisers
I'm in the process rn, and very passionate about it, the myth that the language is dying pisses me off and the government would have to be linguistically fascist to even dream of having it be the native tongue..
Stop speaking *nglish and speak based Gaelic
Must suck to be part of a dying culture.
Why can't the Irish kick out the unionists in Northern Ireland?
>celtic union
peak reddit
meme flags gtfo
because they are niggers with white skin
good lad. never forget: tír gan teanga, tír gan anam
they're culture is gradually declining and being ridiculed rn, time will tell of a reunification..
Walk away me boys walk away me boys and by mernin yewl be freeeeeee
Scots are now the bitches of England, they didn't wanted the Stone of Scone back when they had the opportunity and they didn't get out of the UK when they had the opportunity.
Celts are cucked.
>strengthen our military?
Recruit more child soldiers?
more promotion, do what the greeks do rn
>strengthen our military?
strengthen your economy would be a better option + adopting/promoting a common celtic language for Ireland, Wales, Scotland and f. Britanny + adopting celtic catholicism in contrast of anglosaxon protestantism
shut the fuck up kike
Get rid of Scotland, Wales and the cucks of the North.
we dont have a military you asshat
we have a ''defense force'' and are neutral
Also, i wouldnt object to a union for Scotland but Wales can GTFO
Scotland, the isle of Maan, and Cornwall are ok
Wales needs to be destroyed
Get the Brits in the North and exterminate all of the fucking NIGGERS in Dublin.
I didn't said that getting a better economy is easy I just said that a stronger economy is a better option for Ireland than get a better army. Greeks need a good army because a greco-turk war is inevitable but Ireland don't have enemies and anglosaxon empire is death and their people unwilling to fight.
We are no longer neutral since Leo took a side against Russia
thanks for the correction ya bastard ya
why wales
the first act of our new Hibernian empire should be the Icelandic problem
those bastards have geothermal energy on tap, good fishing waters and a plentiful supply of attractive fertile womanfolk
i say we move to invade Iceland as the first point of order
the very existence of iceland and the fact that gaelic women were used for purely rape there by the nordfags triggers me, it needs to go, and we colonise greenland
Why the fuck would we (Scotland) want to leave one union with arguably the strongest all-round people to ever grace the Earth for a union with you bumfucking inbred goateating shitturds? Lmao. Celtic Union? What the fuck are you even talking about. Nobody fucking speaks Celtic languages in Scotland anymore.
so you value taking anglo cock over preserving your ancestors culture? real man
Get rid of the only ones that actually managed to keep their Celtic language alive, albeit as a minority tongue. American education. Please rangeban these people from this board.
This, we started watching aifric here during the lockdown since it’s all on TG4’s site. We have already decided that we are sending our children to a gaelscoil.
According to recent reports the times are changing there and I think they are actually statistically outnumbered now. There has been a gradual and steady increase over the past couple of decades, the young people are becoming more invested in being Irish from various accounts I have read. I don’t live there myself however so I’m just going on general things I’ve heard and read, take that as you will.
irish is being revitalised rn and the L2 speakers are a growing minority, couldn't say the same for scottish gaelic though, but manx is also doing fine
>so you value taking anglo cock over preserving your ancestors culture? real man
Over 50% of Scotland is descended from Germanic peoples. We're borderline identical to the English genetically, we're closer to them than we are to you. I don't have a Celtic name, I don't speak a Celtic language. My ancestors probably didn't either. So tell me again how I'm a cuck for knowing who my own people are you little hairy, swarthy kikelet.
This. Get Duolingo and learn Irish it’s actually a pretty good course for free. Been learning it for a while and it’s not as hard as it’s made out to be.
This is a discord thread lol
that's all the info I need
Don’t bother replying to a memeflag user
>couldn't say the same for scottish gaelic though
Why should people in Scotland learn yet another language that was brought there by conquest and assimilation over the one they already speak. More of them are descended from Anglo-Saxons than they are Gaels anyway, scientific fact. Is there something fucking wrong with you people genetically? Pickled brains or something? FAS? You're getting a little too comfortable on your little bog, I think. Time's are changing. The EU and the UN etc. won't be around to protect you soon enough.
You'll go the same way Israel will.
You should speak Scottish though, pretty pleb tier not to lad.
I'm new here, brón orm mo dearthair
Tá failte romhat
Good luck reviving your meme language, mate. You know the Irish aren't genetically Celtic either, right? You just got conquered and assimilate by a tiny minority of continental Celts who only really settled in southeast England in prehistory.
R1b-L21 isn't Celtic. It's Corded Ware you fucking imbecile:
>Recent genetic studies have suggested that Britain's Neolithic population was largely replaced by a population from North Continental Europe characterised by the Bell Beaker culture around 1200 BC, associated with the Yamnaya people from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe. This population lacked genetic affinity to other Bell Beaker populations, such as the Iberian Bell Beakers, but appeared to be an offshoot of the Corded Ware single grave people.[33][34] It is currently unknown whether these Beaker peoples went on to develop Celtic languages in the British Isles, or whether later Celtic migrations introduced Celtic languages to Britain.[35]
>The close genetic affinity of these Beaker people to Continental North Europeans means that British and Irish populations cluster genetically very closely with other Northwest European populations, regardless of how much Anglo-Saxon and Viking ancestry was introduced during the 1st millennium.
Now I don't give a fuck what fantasy LARP identity you want to play around with on your little barren shithole. But keep my region of the world firmly out of your silly little fantasies.
We have nothing to do with each other.