"After testing 3300 Santa Clara County residents, Stanford University researchers conclude 2.5% - 4.2% have coronavirus antibodies. The county reported roughly 1,000 cases in early April; the actual range is 48000 - 81000, meaning the mortality rate is 0.12% and 0.2%. By comparison, the average death rate of the seasonal flu is 0.1%. A large number of people who are infected with the coronavirus NEVER show any symptoms.
Knowing the true extent of the virus’ reach can shed light on how close the population is to achieving herd immunity, in which enough people have some degree of immunity to the virus that it becomes difficult for infections to spread. "
California admits Trump right about flu hoax, herd immunity
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yeah no shit.
The study is flawed. They actually used a fucking Chinese manufactured test kit which was shown to have an insane number of false positives and was the least accurate in a recent comparison of tests.
Also, lots of other problems, but equally important is the fact that it wasn't a representative sample. They recruited subjects from fucking Facebook. The study is a statistical nightmare.
They fucked up the pools and did not invite people at random.
They also advertised Corona antibodies tests, the likelyhood the study was tainted by people who wanted to get a Corona test because of personal proximity to someone they might've know with the virus.
"Investigators from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and USC launched a similar study a week after Santa Clara began its effort. Officials say they will make their initials results public Monday.
Barbara Ferrer, the county’s top public health official, said that although the Los Angeles study will have somewhat different numbers, “they’re going to tell a similar story. And I think the story is … many more people have been infected with COVID-19 than those who are being captured through our testing.”
OK, honest question.. do you purposely set yourselves up to be BTFO'd? Is it some kind of incel fetish?
I got BTFO'd on reddit. I need to be more careful and this study is Breitbart tier.
cmon, user, take the coronohoax red pill
well let's wait for their study with 800.000
I mean, you're probably still going to argue that it's not going to be random
Germany has started as well in a considerably larger endeavor involving many different institutions
>Koordiniert werden soll die Studie von dem Epidemiologen Gérard Krause vom Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung in Braunschweig, beteiligt sind außerdem das Deutsche Zentrum für Infektionsforschung, die Blutspendedienste, die NAKO Gesundheitsstudie, das Robert Koch-Institut und das Institut für Virologie der Berliner Charité.
over 3000 people is a substantial sample, no matter if it was taken at random or not
but it seems you are just lying
> Participants were recruited using Facebook ads targeting a representative sample of the county by demographic and geographic characteristics.
Plan for the worst, hope for the best.
I still dont think wuflu antibodies exist.
there is no worst. your were literally duped by a transparent hoax
that requires to think no wuflu exists
or what are you thinking off?
this isn't an either or scenario where the other things it's the absolute calamity and you think it's just completely made up
Corona exists, independent of what's currently going down
antibodies do too, independent of corona
Wow it's like you have no fucking idea what you're talking about , or any proof at all
3 months ago the masses ignored this, Yas Forums was in peak hysteria, I bought chickens and planted a garden.
Now I'm more worried about $-35 oil and CO2 shortages affecting water supply.
Well not that fucking worried, My small town has a pump from a river.
why? what do you possibly have to gain by getting everyone on board with that? the end result if this ends up being nothing is we all go back to the slow descent into madness that western civilization has become. We just go back to tranny drag shows and pedophile pool parties until we all suck start a shotgun or turn it on someone else.
The alternative is a potential for real collapse, or a flash point. if you're hoping people would turn on the gov for overreacting, you know you're hoping for too much. and they won't do shit.
This is our one fucking chance, and you niggers want to blow it.
for. what.
the regular flu has existed for generations and killed around the same rate.
I think wuflu antibodies kill people
I personally think it's just another corona strain that jumped to people, as has happened countless times, we've only been tracking it for a few decades.
>MERS, SARS, NL63, HK1, OC43, 226E
all with more or less global spread and killing people, the issue is probably that we as a society ignored cold causing issues as a whole and were not aware of any complications related to them, now we are and since a few years the rape ape, i mean panic is created
controlled as well as through incompetence
If we end up with millions of vaccines bought by governments despite Corona's dangers being understood and classified as low for weeks, so that none will take the vaccines.
We'll know that there was a lot of panic and a lot of corrupt and weak politicians.
I doubt the WHO will easily recover from this loss of face on most other countries, we're probably going to get memory holed fine tho.
New England millionaires have chicken coops with 4 or 5 birds. They qualify as a farm and get huge write-offs.
healthcare workers don't die of the flu every year
You just made that up.
Discussion on how cities nationally are forced to cut Medicaid, SNAP, section 8 housing, and education for their nogs. We actually have a serious chance of purging them entirely.
I agree, or well I dunno the exact data for the flu currently but I know that Corona strains are represented in germany with 4-16% annually depending on it's cycle (represented among all diagnosed diseases, far more won't even go visit a doctor over this)
it's a bit scary how little knowledge about complication progressions there apparently exists in so much medical personal to allow for all of this to come so far
or for media to successfully bamboozle professionals with
>Antibody testing is bad
>bad idea
>waste of time
despite it being crucial to establish any larger data about already infected and progressed (past day 7-13 or healed)
the best theory I've read was that it's an HIV vaccine developed to cause the least serious progressions, being as mild as possible and killing as little people as possible.
I don't believe it, I just really like it.
Corona also belongs to an ancient group of viral families that can infect at least all higher order vertebrates and the majority of them shares the ACE2 entry/fusion mechanism.
It's been well known for zoonotic jumps for many decades and the majority of such jumps (as with flu and similar) will progress so mild that the new host can't infect their own species.
But like with the plagues of the old world, given enough people the chance for this to happen draws towards 1
>food availability in the rest of the world
>close living with animals in unhygienic environment
at least evolutionary pressure to temperance (lysogenic lifecycle instead of lysolyic) and become milder is quite strong.
There's only few families of viral particles that lost temperance or never gained it to begin with, at least when it comes to pathogen ones, no idea about that endless massive, larger than seas of stars, world of other viral particles.
>thinks they don't exist
>thinks they exist and kill
it's not dengue fever tho and while there is obviously a possibility for the option to possess a phenotype that reacts similar to a secondary infection of corona like the dengue virus does to a lot of phenotypes
it's not the antibodies that kill people, strictly speaking
they just facilitate it
yea I hear that alla time from the scientific commu-
It's in the paper the stanford faggots published.
You DID read the paper, right user? You didn't just blindly trust the media?
indeed you are lying
they even gauged/calibrated with available known samples
produced by premier-biotech in minnesota as can be seen in the study
blind trust? on nu/pol/-the_donald 2.0?
I would be SHOCKED.
The article says a separate study using a different sampling method is expected to yield the same results.
Zion don is always right.
"Is expected to yield the same results."
This doctor has been running around saying "Oh, don't worry, it's a 0.1% CFR" for days now. New York is over 0.1% fatality for the population.
so I read the OP post and can tell you that almost anyone you can test for antibodies right now can't have the disease anymore because the antibody titer generally is too low in the first 7-13 days
in HIV for example it's more like 21-84 days for 97% of people
so there are also people who will not show antibodies because they are sick, have not been sick or just never had a strong immune response while also not getting very sick
but generally all these tests that are going to be done now by semi health professionals that work with other groups and not in a hospital environment, you'll probably hear that none of them are showing symptoms
which they did, some time in the last months