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Other urls found in this thread:'_plot

F my dudes

Fuck no. This is sad as fuck.


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It's not confirmed yet


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Shit. Nukes inbound.

>south korea going full commie
>North korean hardliners murder kim

In Soviet Korea, doctor murders you!

digits confirm

he's slam dunking in heaven now. F

Attached: rodman.jpg (1400x1050, 91.7K)

fake.. Katy Tur deleted the tweet

Confirmed, my grandma saw it on the news. Rip

will rodman issue a statement?

the great water slide in the sky

Alright so I think I have an idea how this story goes...

>Sister takes power
>She looks like a power crazy lunatic already
>Admitting that her brother died during surgery would be tantamount to admitting that best Korea is weak
>Massive funeral parade
>Following parade she announces that her brother was murdered by agents of worst Korea
>Immediately the dmz starts getting shelled
>As soon as a counter shelling is targeting the artillery pieces that started the volley rockets start raining down on Seoul
>First wave of nork shock troops hits the border
>*A wild opportunity appears* China launches full assault on Taiwan
>The us has to choose between sending a full naval response to defend the worst Koreans or Taiwan
>We choose Taiwan
>Japan reveals to the world that for the past 80 years of forced demilitarization they've been utilizing the budget they would have for maintaining a standing army for R&D into real life gundams

I don't want to ruin the rest it's too much fun.

stfu you cornball faggot jesus christ.

Worst Korean spotted

>Alright so I think I have an idea how this story goes...
Nah, she'll play trump like a fucking fiddle

based rodzilla

Greatest leader don’t leave us now


It’s strange that Trump hasn’t tweeted obligatory well wishes like you’d think he would. Maybe it’s happening.

He's fine!

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>nbc news
>cnn news
what's sputnik says its more reliable.

I knew a guy by that went by Cornpop once

Imagine being the surgeon who fucked up Dear Leader’s heart surgery.

That poor dude is going to get anally penetrated by spikes and kept alive in a zombie-like state.


pls be fake news
globohomo got him



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>Immediately the dmz starts getting shelled
for what purpose? to destroy all the ginseng farms?

So what? Half the world is brain-dead.

cnn and the major networks would have the best opportunity to break this sort of story originating from high levels of the military and state department, they are after all an arm of the CIA.

>North Korean leader is brain dead
What else is new?

Doctors Plot all over again.'_plot

Attached: stalin.jpg (413x550, 23.66K)

Would not want to be that surgeon about now...

Rot in Hell, bitch.

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It was jews dipshit.

I wouldn't be surprised if the japs have been maintaining a secret nuclear arsenal

He was probably acting on orders from Dear Sister. He'll be richly rewarded, then discreetly killed.

>(((CIA))) says something

K keep me posted

F and Shadilay my friends! Praise be to Kek!

Attached: Everyday we grow further from gods light _455b60839cd3a5a4591a247dc69a8d76.jpg (300x213, 23.58K)

>matzoh ball soup ever killed anyone

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God I hope that last part is true.

He was too young to have cardiac diseases
It was because he was fat, isn't?

"Hello Mr. Un. I am here to perform your cardiac surgery. Trust me, you'll be alright. You are in good hands."


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Oil plummets, border closed and kim is kill and my PS3 stopped working.
this day is a fucking rollercoaster.



It was probably that damned heart attack gun.

That's what usually happens when you befriend americans.
S for spitting on your grave Kim Un