The one Empress to rule them all. The rightful lady to reunite the Koreas under one anti-Western flag...

The one Empress to rule them all. The rightful lady to reunite the Koreas under one anti-Western flag. May her reigh last ten thousand years. 萬歳! 萬歳! 萬歳!

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Life expectancy of Kim Jong Un's children: 14 minutes.

What a power grab. Impressive.

Just wait till Trump grabs her by the slanted pussy

She looks like she has a slimy fishy pussy

arent asians sexist? how will they react to a female leader?

>South Korea previously ruled by feminist cult
>now feminist leader in North Korea kills her brother to take power

What the fuck is with gooks and pussy worship?

That's hot

It's happened before

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RIP :(

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do some research before you embarrass yourself next time
Go read

Western ideas clouded based Korean Confucian values

read what u little dicked chink?

I can smell damp clothes and fish gut just by looking at her.

Long Live Korean Capitalism

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Some serious shit going on lately, I want my Cold War back, it was safer.

Could it be shes with that south Korean feminist cult?

She is a major player on the field. The puppet of South Korea fears this more than anything. Trump now has an attack dog.

You are getting excited too quickly. Calm down.

fuck off worst Korea

is that xixi dowager?

This is gonna be based. Best of luck, Kim Yo-jong. Nuke ZOGmerica, reunite Korea

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We're in a cold civil war right now. Buckle up

Trump is going to grab her by the negotiations

아름다운 지도자

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tfw original koren face, no makeup no surgery

What even are egyptians? blacks? arabs? Your native people don't even exist. Surprised they even let you have internet

that gorilla is more attractive than the average


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Just because WE speak Arabic doesn't mean WE're Arabs, retard.

she looks irish

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Eh, compared to the chinks and whatever monstrosities live in SEA, Koreans are decent.

>When leadership of a hermit empire is only one pillow suffocation away...

Someone post the screencaps from that one korean user talking about the 8 goddesses cult or whatever it was called. Its the reason S. Korea is fucked in all the markets.

Still looks pretty good. That fucking jawline on her bodyguard though. No homo

manzai? are you drunk?
I think you wanted to type 万歳

You are a hybrid race, mix of semitics, sub saharans and north africans. You mostly carry Arab haplogroups.

>woman as supreme leader

Yeah, she's gonna lob a nuke at us as soon as orange man calls her a slant-eyed gook.

You will never defeat America. You are weak minded.

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Lol south korea... anti western....
Nice larp bud. More than likely she drops the whole arsenal on sk and japan.

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>Still looks pretty good. That fucking jawline on her bodyguard though. No homo
What he doesn't know is she's there to guard HIM, mainly from western corrupting values

she'd be like fucking a cold fish

How do I contact here or her constituents

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Qrd on panface mcjaundice

post YFW this ends up being the whore of Babylon.

id fuck her. whats her insta?

It's the traditional character. Which is what they use in Korea.

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If she puts a little make up she can suck my giant enormous cock

She has onlyfans page

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she is so getting assassinated for one of the other brothers.

The Korean War will end during President Trumps first term


God Bless The Empress