>go out for a walk on a sunny day
>stopped in your tracks by pic related
>"you done took the wrong corner white boi"
what do?
>go out for a walk on a sunny day
>stopped in your tracks by pic related
>"you done took the wrong corner white boi"
what do?
Hello! thanks for acknowledging I'm white dear based niggers.
my friends on Yas Forums always bully me and say I am not white but turk.
Call the cops, they will run like pussies
Hows the roid abuse treating you manlets?
Take my phone out my pocket and disable the voice guidance on my Nigger Maps app.
Pull my piece and make sieves
Kick them in the shins and remind them not to skip leg day
Come up with some new shit, kikes.
Ask what they're cycling and if they'd share their source
>outta my way, nigger
" what was that nig-nog"
how's the heart disease going?
You think this bad neighborhood?
sheeeeeeeeeeeit nigger dis ma houd now btich bois. pop... pop...
When you roid, you tell everyone you are inferior.
I'm voting for Pete Buttigieg cuz we need a President who can take a big rod in the ass and not complain about it for three weeks afterwards. Not none of that three fags and a straight guy picking out curtains faggot shit. I'm talking about an old fashioned wrap your arms around a tree and hold on for dear life ass pounding cheek bustin.
I correct them on their grammar
Lmao post your natty superior physique
Follow me to the gay bathhouse.
bend over and let them pound my boipussi uwu
In Russia you work whole life to get to neighborhood like this
Kick them in the balls.
>t. pussy whiteboys who would never call me the N word to my face
You forget meme flag
Yank out my cock, leave dick welts upside their heads.
Bodybuilders are pussies, and very often gay. Everybody knows this.
Start quoting crime statistics
N I G G E R. Yeah thats right, I said it.
*blocks Ur path*
*blocks all paths*
call the police, they definitely have active warrants
>No you dun goofed NIGGER!
>consequences will never be the same!
>what do?
suck a lotta cum and take a lot of asshole damage lol
Shoot first and say “i bet you are glad you wasted your short life primarily in a gym”
>make sieves
to help make mom's spaghetti or whut?
How often do you post this thread?
But I'm not white.