I hated doing these as a teen. I would often sit down or go outside the room when these happened (often times it was involuntary). It was meaningless chanting and I felt like I was in a cult. Why do consrvacucks love doing this?
Pledge of Allegiance Hate
If the nation you are a part of was more impulsive and less long-suffering, you would be removed from the civilization to make it a better place for all the other members.
Kys op
indoctrination, praying to a fucking flag
>t. Mudshit
This. It would make nice toilet paper. It is an insult to make a $1.99 piece of cloth represent the people of my nation.
>I would often sit down or go outside the room when these happened.
Based, I shit and piss all over that kike star.
In highschool no one stood up and would be on thier phones and shit. Don't blame them for doing so
I stopped standing up for that shit in the 9th grade during homeroom, and eventually half the class followed.
The only thing worse than having to do that gay ass pledge was having to listen to insufferable faggots like you bemoan how “weird” it was while you sat like an edgelord.
You daily reminder that the US is a kike hoax, not a nation.
>seething commie cuck boi
Wait...are you Americans really getting this much brainwashed at school? Kek I thought it was a mutt joke. Unironically North Korea vibes
Zionist Bootlicking Niggers
It really is cult like
Commie cope lul
>the mildest fascist practice scares the euro cuck
I used to sit and not say the pledge. I then realized I was being an edgy faggot and decided to take pride in my country. If you don’t like it, move to the U.K.
if you hate our nation enough not to pledge allegience, LEAVE
This is brainwashing. Straight up. It doesn't belong in school practice.
Pro-tip, when you say "One Nation Under God," there is no pause.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
>t. Brainwashed to be ashamed of his country
it'd be funny if it wasn't so pathetic
Your flag literally has commie stars on it, schizo
"Justice for all" is the biggest lie used to brainwash children. Only in America can 2 persons commit the exact same crime at the exact same place and get 2 difference sentences depending on income and race.
>if you hate our nation enough not to pledge allegience, LEAVE
The pledge of allegiance is socialist shit. Do your homework, commie.
>i have to do some weird voodoo cult chant in order to love my nation
>national pride bad
You're a globalist shill or a hippie douchebag. Either way, fuck you.
I'm not brainwashed. We are encouraged to make our own beliefs and values, therefore free. But your pledge is pure brainwashing and as I said, dont belong in modern school practice
Come on then genius, tell me why that shitty kike flag has the same stars on it commies use....Im waiting for your enlightening response.
Fun thing is that the flag worship is like a religion and not different from 'ein volk, ein führer'.
>Only in America can 2 persons commit the exact same crime at the exact same place and get 2 difference sentences depending on income and race.
Lol yea sand nigger rape gangs totally don't get off free in euroistan
I think it’s retarded but I understand something called social convention. It’s something that exists when you grow up in an ethnically and culturally homogenous area. Fascism is just the radical maintenance of the status quo.
>I'm not brainwashed
>t. Someone who's hopelessly brainwashed
i feel bad for you
I feel bad for you too, don't worry
>commies called dibs on stars
Lol cute
Supporting your nation is one thing. Blind allegiance to it is another thing. It is literal NPCism to do whatever your government tells you to do.
t clueless retard
I love being an American.
I pledge allegiance to myself, because I live in the United States of America, and if a nigger comes on my lawn, I shoot, he dies, And I sleep comfortably at night because he's not human.
Weak faggot
>t clueless retard
Indeed you are
>durrrrr I know u r but wut am I hurrrrr
I hated it as a teen, but when I became a teacher with mostly non-white students with foreign born parents.... You bet your as I made sure every kid stood respectfully for the pledge
forcing children to pledge allegiance to a flag should be a hate crime
Yes, and?
This but unironically
Holy cringe
Being a white teacher in the USSA must be hell.
Wouldnt do it even if it was the highest paying wagie job.
>meaningless chanting and I felt like I was in a cult.
tell me more.
yes. yes.
Just like the bible its autist bullshit. They need a routine to get the strength to go be a decent human for a bit. Or in this case a goverment bootlicking bitch
>one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all
I got in trouble for not standing up for it in middle school, and then went to a Catholic highschool where we said a prayer in the morning instead of a pledge to the synagogue of satan.
I just think pledging daily makes the words meaningless. Say it a thousand times and you won't mean a word of it. Say it once in the right time or setting and it's an oath for life.
>seething commie
Leftists are so uninformed and stupid they literally cannot explaine to me why their kike hoax of a flag has commie stars on it. lol
Hate crimes aren't real. They're just called crimes.