My sister is ICU right now with COVID-19. Doctors say she might make it through the night. I know anedectodal evidence doens't mean much but I'm seeing firsthand that this virus is real. She's only 28 and she should be in the prime of her life, not in the ICU. I can't visit her because the ward is overwhelmed. In her final days, I can't say goodbye to my sister.
Just please think about this when you go to protest. I know it's frustrating but just wait a few more weeks. It's not worth all the heartbreak and massive death toll.
Its not corona killer her its the doctors. Sorry buddy but you should show up and kill those doctors and save your sister before its too late.
Brody Bell
Oh dear.
Gavin Allen
Sorry user but are you saying you didn’t believe this was real until your sister got it?
Xavier Cruz
Don't care. Nothing burger. Just the flu. TITS OR GTFO.
Justin Lee
post her with timestamp LARPer
Michael Gray
timestamp or fuckoff
Logan Johnson
Shitty LARP is shit
Ian Perez
No, I spent too much time on Yas Forums and believed Trump when he said it was a hoax. Ever supporting him was one of my greatest regrets
Robert Torres
This whole Corona thing came an exact year after a bunch of people died from vaping unregulated THC and the sickness we got was very similar to what they say Covid is like. I was one of the people to get sick and it was the most sick I have ever been and it was caused by vaping unregulated THC. The government probably realized that Vitamin E vaporized could cause pneumonia so now they are forcing that sickness on people to force this mass hysteria that is leading to them having more and more control and more and more people are becoming government bootlickers.
Aaron Ross
If she’s on a vent that’s what’s killing her babe
Mason Campbell
There are two very different virus rolling, the one from Spain/Italy and the US that is rather dangerous but it has very low contagion potential. And there's the one from the rest of the world which fairly benign but it's very contagious
Hunter Thompson
My dad works at nintendo
Thomas Thomas
I took a pandemic, not 2 million illegal and legal immigrants a year, 40k nigger being released from jail and the wall not being built? You're a faggot MIGAtard and deserve this plague faggot.
My cousin's roomate's brother's friend caught coronavirus from the guy who stole his kidney in Tijuana.
Ethan Allen
This thread, again? Same pic, same former trump supporter, same "spends too much time here". Yesterday it was grandparents or something.. I'm sure this won't be the last time. OP is a shill.
Ian Taylor
this, post tits
Carter Lee
Did she burn the coal? Did she ride the carousel?
Lincoln Carter
I look up news on Google. I order things online using Google. I google various websites which collect cookies. I clicked download on a workout app which now shows up on my phone screen and tells me how much I walked and where I walked. My phone isn't google, it's android, that's what it's called. I turned off tracking and delete my search history, it doesn't show up on my screen anymore. I go to a store to order some drinks and they go to the back and get it for me. The staff are very familiar with people. I shit talk the overlords and back talked some dickhead drof one time. People always seem to know things about me. Who are they? Wtf? I take a sip of that drink. It was Bob, he coughed on me at the store and was a carrier of corona. Experts linked him all the back to someone from Wuhan. I'm struggling to breath in the hospital. The doctors know what to do, they have to know. Ventilators! Masks! Make everything look pretty. Oh god, it's the men, men care about how things look and don't care about the end result. Oh no, this patient is coughing up blood and puking all over the place, take more blood samples - there's 8L of that stuff take 1L of samples. Clean up the puke and blood, ventilator! mask! whitewashed floors and gloved hands!
Another one to haul off to the sterile furnace.
William Morris
How many shekels did you earn making up this bullshit?