Haven't seen a good Transgender Depravity Thread all day, let's start one now

Haven't seen a good Transgender Depravity Thread all day, let's start one now

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>kills itself 2 months later after realizing they are still their biological gender, just mutilated

>life saving
Don’t they increase the chance of suicide caused death by like 50%?

Things Yas Forums has an unhealthy obsession with
>black people

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You forgot Maple Niggers, maple nigger.

True, you fags spend way too much time talking aboot Canada

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Cutting your dick off is "life saving"?
Call me a bluff old traditionalist, but...

Why wouldn't you just be gay and live your life like a normal person? You can still be a faggot and roleplay. There's no legitimate healthy reason to chop off parts of your body and inject chemicals into your bloodstream. No wonder why they all suicide themselves

Vice News: Beauty queen’s penis tries to kill her: still no response from Trump, despite protests.

What the Fuck

This should be illegal

I had to have one of my balls removed because of testicular cancer and watching this was like the cringe I had anticipating that surgery but times 1000. Good lord in heaven, those doctors are fucked in the head.

They are ticking suicide bombs and the onky way to defuse them is by choping their dick off... to bad they only have a 59% survival rate after that

Pussy post the actualy thing

Imagine being concerned about wastes of oxygen instead of the very real FUCKING PANDEMIC that's going on.

The purge could not come sooner.


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How is a sex change life saving?

Yeah, so?

Why do you give these people more attention than they deserve? They are begging everyone to pay attention to them and you're falling right into their trap.

I got as far as "feet have warts" and now I want to mail that faggot a bomb

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are you retarded? it's so simple
>change the sex
>life saved

Why do y'all hate us, we just want to live our lives in peace?

Fear the rake