Richard Spencer has long been reduced to a low-grade political pundit and "film critic". But even by his lowly standards, his engagement appears to be tanking. His Tweets get mere dozens of Likes, barely any RTs.
TRS has built a successful business - despite their promotion of Communism, they're very successful capitalists - but judging by the comments on Mike Enoch's Twitter, and the complete lack of TRS talk here on pol, it's a good bet they're tanking like Spencer. A survey of the comments on their site shows they're as low-energy and impotent as the hosts themselves.
These last remnants of the Alt-right all AGGRESSIVELY sided with ZOG in the biggest Happening since WW2. They didn't merely call this gay fucking flu an "extinction level virus" repeatedly....they also savagely sniped at anybody who dared be skeptical. When RamzPaul calmly and rationally expressed doubts about the government/media/NGO claim that "millions" would die, he was immediately attacked, doxxed, and these middle-aged goons in the Alt-right.
But now Mike Enoch is trying to pretend to side with the white families resisting ZOG.
He's "standing up" for the white families fighting back against ZOG.
Fuck you, faggot.
You sided with ZOG when it mattered.
You said any white families who dared resist were "anti-science" and "corona deniers".
You said that ZOG should copy China's model and WELD WHITE FAMILIES INTO HOUSES.
Anglin was right. RamzPaul was right.
The white, Christian families you hate were right.
You I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! goons were dead. fucking. wrong.
Only after complete repentance will you ever have credibility again.
Mike Enoch Submits. Andrew Anglin Wins
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you know that you're a kike puppet, or are you just a golem?
That's my only question. Thanks, Andrew.
Here's Anglin's latest, noting how the Altright leaders literally copied the Jews' model of censoring skeptics by calling them "deniers" and "minimalists":
>"Internet right-wingers lashing out at “deniers” as they scream about millions of dead is not something I ever expected to see, but there it is."
I’m kinda with ya. They attempted to walk back a thousand miles on the corona shit while making it seems like they were maintaining the same position
you will do something "for the future of white children"
your body will be feasted on and your still-pulsating liver will provide sustenance for them
bruh my county has 6000 cases confirmed and 60 deaths, everthing open, grocery store employees dropping a few a week, shit is bad
its tough seeing guys age out of their relevance. They are practically the online equivalent of 40 year old guys hanging out at clubs for punk or edm music shows. No one wants has-been old farts hanging around. That said, trs did do something that I didn't think was possible when they were more relevant.
Where is the attack on ramz? Genuinely curious.
Fucking retard the “alt right” was always zionist controlled. How fucking dense are you
Daily reminder that The Daily Stormer is the best news outlet.
Yay, the sperg with the cannibal fetish is back! Now we need the sperg who fucked his sister and we can get a real party going in here
TRS is shit like it always has been.
Trump derangement syndrome the podcast. Make peace with the fact Trump used you to get elected.
Richard Spencer is a snitch. He's an informant. Here he is re-tweeting Ramzpaul's tweet to the Oklahoma police in an attempt to get Ramzpaul in trouble for eating at a restaurant during the quarantine.
Anglin is a fucking retard who's 'belief's' are completely incoherent, the guy literally exists only to spread disinfo and stoke gay infighting. He never had any credibility, but if he did it's completely gone after he defended the jew Harvey Weinstein.
Ram Z Paul is a dim-witted old boomer who changes his opinions every other week. He has never contributed a single valuable insight to the dissident right.
The corona hoaxer stuff is just as retarded as anti-vaxx and 9/11 truther stuff. It's just a distraction from talking about anything of actual importance.The TRS guys and Spencer say stupid shit sometimes, but anything is better than the tard-nats who take their talking points from the likes of Anglin and Ram Z.
This shizo rambling and straw-manning is pretty much the kind of "quality" you can expect from a Daily Fed fanboy. Imagine thinking you have ANY credibility as a very obvious PsyOp, especially when you include fucking ((((((((((((((((((((Weev)))))))))))))))
The Amerimutt right is such a fucking clownshow. The better your hegemony ends the better for everyone involved, so you can no longer export buttsex for more AIDS in Botswana.
Snitches get stitches
Anglin didnt defend Weinstein he defended all men from this feminist jew legal precedent
Are you stupid
Anglin spent much of last year sucking Yang cock. There is no chance anyone will ever give a shit about that disingenuous faggot again.
Haha. I love that guys twitter.
Stop and think for two seconds about what you just posted. I mean it, seriously consider it for a second. If you think about it you'll see that its absolutely ridiculous.
the alt-right is really two things:
1) conservatards
2) WN 1.0 conservatards (including Peinovich)
conservatards may tell you how they anarcho-capitalist, classical liberal, third-positionist, monarchist, whatever. Don't be fooled. It is always grift, and always will be grift, from top to bottom.
Grift is conservatardism, conservatardism is grift.
Heh. Forney, the male pick up artist, has hoverhand.
Anglin has always been the best of the “edgy” commentators. Mainly because Anglin’s stories are actually clever and witty, not just edginess for the sake of edginess
Even if that were the case (which it isn't), there is no one to replace someone like Mike. Say what you will about the guy, he is an extremely level-headed and intelligent propagandist who doesn't get into drama
I know Nick told me to not like this guy but I can't help it.
Anglin is a great writer/performer but if anything he says becomes to common he will take the opposite take to attract drama. Personally I like everybody.
pick one
I don’t know what all this bullshit’s about but here’s my take as a 3x week listener of TDS for three years:
Their corona takes have been wrong, rambling and retarded. Alex fucking sucks and needs to go. Sven’s act is also getting old. I like listening to Mike but the show’s been circling the drain since the virus.
based, I like both of them too
He didn’t defend Weinstein. It was more of “the enemy of my enemy is a friend” type of thing. Of course Weinstein is a dirty rotten kike. However, all the other dirty rotten kikes are using him as a scapegoat to advance degenerate Marxist feminism.
>Ram Z Paul is a dim-witted old boomer
But at least he had good taste in tabletop games, Richtofen’s War is my shit
the alt-right should have made inroads with the left
the "right" is the cringiest part about them, even cringier than the obsessive nazi stuff
me irl
Anglin is right. Weinstein going to jail because a bunch of whores slept with him for parts is ridiculous and dangerous. The whole #metoo movement was ridiculous and dangerous to the average person. They locked up one jew in what amounted to club fed, the media buried everything else and now they can go after anyone.
Honestly Strike and Mike has surpassed TDS as far as I’m concerned, way more focused and informative while TDS just kind of flounders
Thanks, I’ll listen to that this week
No - it was because ramz boomer posted about how he'd have to be blasted out of his apartment or something. That's the one I saw. Either Richard did it a second time in your pic related, or you faked it.
Couldn’t agree more. I don’t know wtf is going on with them. It’s like they’ve dug their heels in to much and are just being children about admitting they might be wrong. The FTN guys have been even worse, taking such a condescending tone. It’s basically been like “ blah blah blah give me money, jews” but also saying fuck you to anyone who wants to go back to work. Do they fucking realize that begging jews for money is never going to work so they’re basically just telling white families to stay at home til they starve or their houses are taken away from them?
No. I didn't fake it. Check it out for yourself.
>You sided with ZOG when it mattered.
This shit is in your head, Andrew.
A couple weeks ago they said RamZSaul was stupid for telling his viewers not to wear masks out in public because they might get laughed at if they do.
Nothing stoping you from explaining why he is wrong and what he said wasnt in defense of all men.
Other than you being wrong.
The only good things to come out of TRS are Darwin Digest and based Bongo Bongo Book Club
Their last show made me actually mad.
Hearing Alex call people who want to go back to work stupid, Sven chortling about some stupid fucking lame joke. Mike super low energy.
we need to get oft the gop plantation
if dems were in charge we could have 2000 a month ubi
under trump 43000 millionaires got a stimulus of 1.6million a piece
we're getting played buddy
Yeah that's the problem with making 'out front' opinions for a living.
Spencer probably jokingly, but still in bad taste, tagged the Oklahoma PD on a post by ramzpaul boomer posting, saying he'd have to be blasted out of his house, he'd resist any laws trying to get him, something like that. It has to be not-serious, but as I say it was in bad taste.
Isn't Alex their friend though?