Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind, in the United States?
Even white people marrying each other, even Asian people marrying each other, is not nearly as successful. Black male / white female is quite unsuccessful.
But a white male / black female marriage is by FAR the most successful union there is in the US. It's bizarre.
Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind...
who cares?
based and huepilled
go coom to negresses on /gif/, OP
thinly veiled race mixing thread
Because white men who date black women have no standards or self respect, so as a result they will be with anyone who accepts them. You faggot leaf.
That kind of relationship is rare, so the ones that do get married are probably much more into each other than a standard couple would be.
what is wrong with leafs, can you tell me op?
Because black women are used to getting hit and told to shut up and they're horny all the time, unlike stuck up white bitches.
>The reason I can't get laid is because I have self respect :^)
Actually it's because you're fucking ugly.
Small sample size
Gtfo reddit fag. No one likes you or your kind
Cuz black Queen is the most loyal and attractive women
whitewgirls can't compete
Because if the relationship ever gets that serious than she has accepted her role as the white man's slave.
We've been trough this. It's because black females and white males are both being used to being the providers of their families. For them, dating eachother is a big redpill.
in white culture man is the one who has to work in black "culture" women is the one who has to do all the work
damn some fag was faster
get lost hapa abomination
Because white men when dating black women almost always end up with the highest tier black women. These black women also know that their with a man that is out of their league. So the black women will remain subservient and the white man will always be happy as hes with what he considers a beautiful subservient woman.
don't act like that hommie and accept the black queen superiority
Undeniable facts
>all of them use white girl hairstyles
>race-mix your people out of existence goy
No, fuck off shlomo
Is that a bad thing?
What did all the other threads say?
thats what im talking brotha
Is that a problem?
>Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind, in the United States?
do the math and niggers being 3/5's works out, huh?
I'll take a based black hottie over a whiny, self-loathing, white, SJW cunt any day. Rare to find but they're as tired of nigger shit as you are.
they all try to look more white, you say they are better than white women except they are trying to look more like white
black queens are beautiful in every way
Superior is superior
I hate hapas, hapas are disgusting and deserve genocide
they don't have nice soft silky flourishing hair like white and asian girls, thats prob my biggest turn off. even tho white girls do nothing but seeth and hate me, and black girls are kind and interested in me.
bottom line, ill stick to 2D girls
Why are those tits so light brown?
They're extremely loyal.
im not a "hapa" i'm a proud black boy sharing our women superiority with whitebois like u
I could see these threads every day and be forced to see nothing but black women in all media but still never even think once about not marrying a white woman and having lots of children with her
Because only the absolute top-tier of black women even register to white men as being women at all.
cuz black pussy is tight asf once you go in you ain't pulling out of that fertile hole and white bois too nice to leave the baby mama like a real nigga
>why are the fewest number of interracial marriages so successful?
Because, when a white man marries a nigger female, he knows she'll murder him if he leaves, so they stay together forever.
FUCKING KEK shared that webm with everyone
We're told we are the man of the house by the time we can talk, you larping Hapa bitch. What self respecting man calls himself a boy?! GTFOH
A black woman who marries a white man typically lands a middle class educated stable man with an acceptable job. In other words she has achieved something 90% of her fellow sistas (sheboons) will never have. Naturally, they do their absolute best to please their man by staying hot and practically worship his white cock to the point where he will rarely contemplate leaving.
Either those bitches are wearing weaves or they're diluted. I know what nigger hair is like and it ain't like that.
yo you have a problem with me nigga? im not even 20 but i can i beat you atm
All those men look like they have high testosterone. They have large brow ridges and some had good jaws. They all however share in common small eyes.
Yeah, they stay with their man cause it's not like they could just leave him and take half his money in divorce court, right?
fuck elliot rodger fuck eurasiantiger fuck asianmasculity and most importantly fuck you