Man Who Called Ohio's Lockdown Order 'Bullshit' Has Succumbed To COVID-19

>Man Who Called Ohio's Lockdown Order 'Bullshit' Has Succumbed To COVID-19

What do you have to say for yourselves, /pol?

archive( dot )ph/vBQoY

Attached: Man dies of coronavirus after being against lockdown.jpg (1349x833, 247.47K)

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and nothing of value was lost

i see way too many of these similar stories. Its very suspicious

>Georgia’s Stupid Governor

Sounds like an objective and trustworthy news source.

Indeed. Are they poisoning them?

I'll bet they are, they do worse. I should know about these things, they will kill even children;trust me.

maybe. or maybe its all just part of the show.

He deserved it. Can't wait to laugh at more of these stories of dumftards killing themselves. It's practically inevitable, like a force of nature.

That's cause you're a tin-foiled racist!



THIS FUCKING THIS!!!!! This is fishy, it's almost as if they are making examples out of them.

They shoot 5G lazers at them.

Does anyone believe any of these boomers are real people?

Totally not bumped off, if even true to begin with.

This. The media is fabricated.

>dissident who transgressed the order of the globohomo was struck down by karmic powers
all bow before the globohomo, do not transgress the globohomo, upboat your fellow globohomos

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The Coronahystericals have the mentality of a religious cult. Anyone who dares to criticise the statist reaction to hysteria (yes, the state reacted to public fear, rather than science) is seen as a heretical non-believer, and so if any of these critics end up sick or dying from the disease is held up as an example of a deserving victim of "God's wrath".

Most people criticising the statist reaction to hysteria are NOT claiming that the virus doesn't exist or that people won't die from it, so there is no inconsistency here. What's clear though is the herd mentality of the doomers, who on the one hand claim that threats or and actual state violence against people is justified in imposing a lockdown to save people from the virus - while at the same time relishing in the suffering and deaths of those who happen to get the virus.

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Nope. Some of the nupol people might

fake news

probably this because it makes total sense
how else would they fuck our country over without leaving a trace

>people who ignore safety guidelines issued by the CDC in a global pandemic are becoming sick with a potentially deadly disease, and some of them are dying
>the illuminati is assassinating people who whine on twitter
which is more likely?

Go dilate, faggot.

He was denied life saving care from Democrat healthcare workers. They must pay a high price for this. Trump 2020

>Are they poisoning them?
Yes these people are literally being poisoned by bad takes

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>while at the same time relishing in the suffering and deaths of those who happen to get the virus.

because its hilariously ironic

why mourn the death of someone who thought it was bullshit? it's not like he's going to be the only one. wait three weeks until the current lockdown protestors die in a ICU or at home.

"statist reaction" isn't news either and similar sanitary measures were taken during the spanish flu of 1918 down to people protesting what they felt was a overreaction

Someone needs a set of balls and either tell the CDC to stop lying about this being bad for old people, or get used to death as a part of life, or both. I got your injection,faggots.

It's almost like people who don't believe in the virus take no precautions against it.

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Coronavirus shot him twice in the back of the head

It's a false equivalency.
Just because he had health issues and died does not mean he was wrong.

Deal with it, you absolute dirtbags. We know what you are up to. You would literally destroy this country to get your power back. You'd destroy this country and everyone in it.

>calling people statist unironically
>steiner pepe

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They killed him for speaking out. Now dissent is punishable by death.

Force coma isn't a joke. I'd rather die at home.

these are the facebook people that are always
>Pray warriors! pray for my friend Rick. He just lost his car keys. now hes late for work

>because its hilariously ironic

It's a mental defence mechanism of those who want to propagate irrational fear, to justify their own unthinking position and obedience.

>why mourn the death of someone who thought it was bullshit? it's not like he's going to be the only one. wait three weeks until the current lockdown protestors die in a ICU or at home.

If the story is real, statistically it's very likely to be only a tiny number of cases.

>"statist reaction" isn't news either and similar sanitary measures were taken during the spanish flu of 1918 down to people protesting what they felt was a overreaction

I see, so if any government has undertaken some action in the past, that action continues to be 'right' and justifiable for eternity, in your mind? The Spanish Flu and the context in which it happened is not remotely comparable to today. All the health and medical authorities are openly saying that this is NOTHING like the Spanish Flu. Most of these medical authorities weren't even calling for lockdowns, governments initiated those in response to growing fear and hysteria, mostly propagated by the MSM.

Attached: See you in another life, brotha.png (1372x1052, 1.28M)

We know they use and re-use the wrong photos to illustrate stories. Why not use an actor's picture? I generally don't believe in the false flag meme, but in this case, we KNOW the press falsifies shit because there's hard evidence out there.

What's this have to do with big poppa pump?

sign this form or else

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Well, there are people advocating that kind of thing all over social media. Normies are monsters.

>What do you have to say for yourselves, /pol?

He died with his boots on

>doesn't take virus seriously


Maybe there are a lot of stories like this is because retards who don't believe in viruses are more likely to get infected and die.

blame trump or else

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It would really easy to perform a "test" for the virus, look up the person's social media, give them the fitting "result", force medical treatment on them, deliberately commit malpractice, then hide behind the novelty of the virus to justify a bad outcome.
You also get to use the death as a way to keep everyone else in line.

>The Spanish Flu and the context in which it happened is not remotely comparable to today
Yeah back then the government use to actually care about the citizens rather then their reelection

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How many people died of Heart Attacks in NYC in March?

He probably got a midnight knock on the door...

Leaning toward this """virus""" being activated at a distance by fucking wireless and satellite means, same kind of millitarized waves we saw used in IRAQ.

She SAID, "wash your hands"--how does that imply that she doesn't think the virus is real?

What these inarticulate people are trying to say is that they believe that the liberal media, in their endless ongoing attempt to destroy Trump and remove him from office, has manufactured a huge, vastly destructive crisis where there should have been just a competent response to yet another viral "flu" type illness.

It's quite clear that this is the truth of the matter.

This is a wireless weapon used to target dissenters.

That dude has been dead for months now, fucking fake news.