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Why isn't the Holodomor taught in the schools?
Juan Lee
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Caleb Torres
Because kikes
Jeremiah Lopez
Correct answer.
Dylan Baker
Go back to school, fpsfags
David Morales
Who do you think creates the curriculum
Blake Morales
What would kids do it they realized that jews kill kids more than any other army. We must inform the masses as best as we can. Bump this shit fags. Fuck kikes.
Cooper Jones
Reminder that nazis used looney toons tier means and methods to dispose of Jews in hilarious ways.
Parker Wright
My English teacher taught it in freshman year highschool
Hunter Moore
Becaus ir didn't happen?
Matthew Phillips
Bentley Parker
You have schools in Brazil?
Aiden Hughes
Andrew Campbell
Because it didn't happen to Jews.
Because it was largely done by Jews.
Connor Price
it was. I got suspended for saying they're Holodomor jokes where that came from
Jaxon Gomez
Because it never happened.
Kevin Myers
The cease is just a fold on the top of the page, it doesn't mean the entire book is at an angle.
Brody King
Because it was a the communist Jews doing the killing and that reduces sympathy for the holohoax.
Parker Wright
Super electric vaporizing pools
Jordan Adams
Because the people who run the schools were also behind the holodomor.
Aaron Nelson
baby stuffed footballs
Ayden Gray
Ok inbred.
Luis Sanchez
it is
i learned it at a progressive leftist middle school, but only because my teacher was based
Joshua Moore
Digits confirm
The Jews make no money off of the holodomor
Andrew Johnson
Death showers miraculously turning into regular showers
Josiah Baker
The only shit that is taught in the current school system are ones where whites are killing nonwhites, e.g. the Native American "genocide", the colonial "genocide" against Africa, the Holocaust (cause remember, Jews aren't white when they can get those sweet oppression points). Anything that wasn't perpetrated by whites or that was committed against whites, e.g. Holodomor, Barbary slave trade, Arab conquests, Amerinian genocide, are glossed over or not taught at all.
As for why and by whom? That's a real brain teaser right there. Best not to think too hard about it and just keep atoning for your sins there whitey.
Brody Bennett
I never heard about it in school, you literally went "it is taught in school" to "oh i was only taught it because my teacher was based"
Bentley Harris
dont forget how they burned babies alive for entertainment and to keep the jews warm
Anthony Smith
Because kikes don't benefit from teaching it
Aiden Jenkins
Jews try to hold onto the lollocaust myth to bludgeon the goyim over the head with. Their monopoly on "persecution" is one of the most effective tools they have to keep goyim willing to fight their wars.
Blake Edwards
im sure the kikes been doing taht to the kidnapped children
Wyatt Harris
Jordan Evans
((Conflict Ov Interests))
Carter Hall
This video will make your blood boil.
Alexander Sanchez
Checked and fpbp
Adrian Turner
Have any oldfags here noticed how the (((estimated))) number of dead has steadily dropped over the last 10 years? Could have sworn the number sworn the number used to be 7-12 million, which may have already been low.
Alexander James
Noah Walker
>anime faggot making another cringe worthless thread for no reason but to post pedo picture
kys loser
Carson Hernandez
cool it with the antisemitism
Oliver Hughes
Well, duh. I mean, burning jew babies makes sense considering Jewish blood is highly combustible. When you run low on firewood, what else would you burn?
James Bailey
wtf would they even burn something so combustable when the nazis lacked fuel horribly