New Hampshire White Mans Paradise

If you love freedom and being around whites this is the place for you. 96% white, no income tax and open carry. Need I go on

Also there are jobs available in every field especially tech just search indeed. Before anyone thinks it

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Concord NH

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Simple brain

nashua, NH

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>96% white

Not anymore - now it's only 90% white and falling quickly:

>White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent - 90.0%

I live here. It's great!

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Is the Trashua?

I see 93% white


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Literally mini-mass
Thats gonna be a nah from me, dawg.

This is a blackpill of the highest order. The is WAAAAAAAAY too much chain migration and mass non-white reproduction going on, it's depressing.

Concord. Only go to Nahsua for Funworld.

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Didn't the libertarians take over this place and outlaw seat belts or some shit

>how the kikes tried to shut down our great state and how the brave white kids really made a difference, I'll tell you the story!

What? Haha no Senator Shaheen was governor here in 1996 and made the seat belt law go from 12 to 18.

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Sorry, we're full. Fuck off.

agreed. Hopefully the weather and property taxes keep them away.

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damn, looks like scandinavia

>outlaw seat belts

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Any factory jobs?
I applied to sig saur but couldnt move there yet.

Berlin NH up north

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I wish Fritz was my grandpa. "With the light, in the window for me..."

where do you work? What kind of jobs are available?

Yes alot look on indeed they're up north and in Exter in Nashua ect

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Here's an idea - go to jail here and you can make my next license plate. How's that for a factory job?

Good job guys.

Go fuck yourself nigger/nigger lover.
Hitlers economy was based on factories.

heard about serious pill and smack problems up there

No a side note I think the state is one of the few if only free states left. With all those lolbertarians moving in and voting hard right atleast it won't change with new blood and families.

That includes Mexicans who call themselves 'white.' The relevant number is non-Hispanic white.

I live by this guy I work at an advertising firm 10 mins in town. There Fiance and tech and all that good stuff in Manchester for sure and Portsmouth.

Can I get an upvote for Puritan Backroom Chicken please?

Also, why aren't there any pictures of Manchester yet.

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What's a nice part of the state to have a garden and a small home I don't need a job

If you head to Rye nearby, you can visit Odiorne's Point. Great place, as it's the first arrival point of Europeans to the state.

The trees must be covering up the druggies.

It doesn't help the FSP are left libertarians, and the ones who serve in the state government have had some degeneracy-based problems.

>Also, why aren't there any pictures of Manchester yet.
Do you really want to show off Manchvegas as a shining example of the granite state?

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Manchester, Salem, and Nashua are full of spics. It's getting to be a fucking shithole. America is finished.

Hampton Beach, Nh

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Only tourists and shoebies call it manchvegas. shame on you

Stop telling people

Even liberals are racist in NH. It's paradise.

>Can I get an upvote for Puritan Backroom Chicken please?
Holy shit my buddy worked there haha.

Wow what a shot of really the only acceptable part of town..

Come on, man. There is/was a nightclub named that!

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Keene NH

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This is the only stories I want that have to do with blacks.

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Hampton Falls Inn in Seabrook, NH is running a pedophile ring in correlation with a nearby adult store. I noticed their pedophile hat tipping, but what can one do. Tell the criminal FBI based on no real evidence. And so the wheel keeps turning.

Who is your WMUR waifu?

Shut your whore mouth before you ruin it for the rest of us.

I drive by here going to work, very scenic.

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Here in the middle of the north

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Too bad Sununu is an open borders faggot. Tell me once someone like Kris Kobach or Steve King becomes your governor, otherwise it will continue to be white genocide like every other fucking state is this shithole.

What, the stories of niggers and spics stabbing and shooting each other and at cops in Manchester aren't enough?

This place is getting to be fucked. Concord is full of homeless people and immigrants from Africa and Nepal. I see white "familes" with grandparents taking out their velcro haired mulatto grandkids and libtards with their adopted nigger babies. It's sad.

I talked to some guy who was moving to Utah because this place sucks now. Wtf is in Utah?

Who heer Uses Kinsley mahket in fuccin nasua for al nick assesorys

Moar needed on this

I live in the best white state but literally nobody remembers us and I want to keep it that way

More info please? Forget leo. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

Why would you want to live in a country where people feel the need to open carry?

Canada is much safer.

No one wants to freeze their balls off in Canada for 7 months. It's already cold enough in New England.

Exeter, Nh

negative comments receive a new town

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