Well. Would you?

Well. Would you?

Attached: SmartSelect_20200420-210645_Tinder.jpg (1440x2324, 1022.66K)


Would smash.. with a hammer.

I bet money this fucker is in charge of bending pipes.

I would turn 1080 degrees and run away

That’s horrific

Nah man I cant serve the time

looks like Seth Green

1080/360 = 3
Are you just turning around thrice and sprinting to fuck this tranny? Why would you do that?

Nah, he manages the MNPT to FNPT adapters

Nah, if it was a woman, yes

well, who am i to complain


>here’s your state issued commie gf bro

>taking the bait

Put a bullet in it's head? Absolutely.

Oh no dude, I hope that's Salem Oregon & not Witch city.

Strangle with an extension cord? Yes

*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>mic drop
>change my mind. Protip: you can't
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>uses memeflag
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>Miss me yet?
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
>BERNIE 2020
*sips tea*
>why is x like this?
>am I white
>whats his/her problem?
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>I am forgotten
>what did he mean by this?
>will x be allowed into the ethnostate?

Attached: 123456.jpg (1080x1080, 217.85K)

xer looks but ugly even for a man

>falling for the blatantly obvious "i fell for the bait" bait
what is this, amateur hour?

>Ava Lee

this one is almost as ugly as sammytrans95. find more images for my collection.

Attached: sammytrans95wig.jpg (2320x3088, 575.16K)

bruh why do you have pics of this absolute freak on your computer

What? Kill it with fire?

because it makes me chuckle.
>inb4 because I like churning butter to the images.

Attached: sammytransAIportrait.png (1123x558, 723.89K)


that's a man.


Attached: i9pas60phyp31.jpg (640x853, 75.83K)

If it was an actual woman, yes.

Based tranny expert