No fat fucks allowed

If you can’t post body you CANNOT larp as the master race. If you’re fat, skinny, or skinnyfat, you are miles below black people, women and jews. Post body or get off my board
>I’ll shoot you!!
Biggest cope in the whole wide world

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Fuck off back to your containment board with the rest of the faggot circlejerkers.

Please be nice to me first time posting my body on the internet

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Disgusting fat sack of blobby shit detected.

Hello, fat fuck

lookin good bro

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Back routine?

Yas Forums is based

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Based. Fuck fatties


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My dick is bigger than yours.

Oh yeah? Why don't you post your thick throbbing cock, faggot?

Greeks were fags
Nobody worth talking about was ever fat. You are fat and therefore less of a person than I am

Wow an average guy thinks being muscular makes him the top of the world.
What a fucking dumbass. No wonder you need to feel like you belong to a master race to cope with your mediocrity.

Take your grindr profile pic and fuck off outta here.

the russian roulette set

Do you shave your body?

post face facelet

Lots of coping fatties round here

>the "muh dick" of the right

is this what Yas Forums is doing now?

can i lick your cummies off your abs?

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poor nordcvcks

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>no fat reserves
You queers wouldn’t last 3 weeks and require keto/protein/ balanced meals/ workout equipment to pull that shit

Tyson fury looks fat and he would beat everyone if you into a pulp you probably have no natural test production now and are actually a drugged up femanon

You're both mediocre, that's why you place so much importance on your bodies. You literally have nothing else. No personality, nothing that stands out among a crowd.
A "fat fuck" can simply change his body and look the same as you, but will retain whatever greatness he has. You already peaked, and you're so young.

It better be circumcised.

churchill was fat. chris farley. john candy. etc etc
hell even your hero goering was fat in the end


This is so funny the goofy nigger lover made his own thread to show of his underwhelming physique, top kek user.


Lift Weights Noodle Arms
>everyone looks down on you for being physically impotent
I'm sorry the truth hurts but your laziness is a physical manifestation of your mental weakness.

poltards are scared to post

>doesn't even post a webm of him getting sucked off or fucking a 10/10
all that work for nothing, you're never going to make it

Fuck off disgusting slob. Your opinion is worthless.

Happy Birthday Adolf

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These bodies are what niggers look like by default. Why would anyone be impressed? Post when you look like Brock Lesnar or something.

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Why would I care what a peaked twenty-something with no personality thinks about me?
Guys like you only have one purpose as far as I'm concerned: you're holes for me to fuck. Nothing more.
Why would I care what a hole thinks?

Shit the fuck up you skinny little bitch

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Churchill had his debt paid off by a kike because he was a degenerate slob. He ensured his nation got involved in a war that saw Anglos and Germans dying by the millions. Chris Farley killed himself because apparently having loads of cash and notoriety is too fucking difficult for someone so laughably weak. Judging by your fat apologism, you should probably take a hard look in the mirror and get your pathetic self underneath some weights.

>CANNOT larp as the master race.
Never in my life have I done this.
Fuck you bear mode for life.

Ive been sitting behind my computer 24/7 for 2 years and i look better than you, cope harder gymcel.
Genetics and looks >> gym max

what deranged incel planet do you come to us from

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You are a twink

The hidden Yas Forums server is discord gg sXDAKd2
Get in here, this week we will interview Boris Johnson.

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>t. My 600 pound life contestant
Ok, then change your body fatass. Post proof of your great personality and achievements as well

Sage and fuck off. That's the third time I've seen this image in the past hour.

Don’t care didn’t ask plus your BMI is in the triple digits. LOSE WEIGHT FAT SHIT.

Sure Erikkuck

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What’s your secret?

Churchill wrote letters to his mother complaining they weren't rich enough after swindling away the money he had, he couldnt even afford his officers uniform. So a rich jew payed it for him.

Difference between bear mode and fat slob mode. Post body right now and if you’re actually bear mode I’ll apologize So post body


Cherry picking to the max.
Ive been to bulgaria and i know how you look, my Nordic vigor had all the bulgarian women impressed.

Beauty Is In Dhe Eye Ov Dhe Beholder

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>Committed to losing weight this year
>Down 25 lbs
I'm gonna make it bros

Holes like you have no opinions. Now get back to sucking my dick like a good hole.

I dont have some faggot pictures taken of myself, bear mode nono im aesthetic mode.

>Don't skip shoulder day

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Mishima approves this thread. More fit boys prease.

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Is it okay if I have a lil extra still two years after baby?

>he thinks what he says matters when he can’t even see his penis standing up
lmaoing at your life

Cute but looks gay w/o any body hair.

If any of you send body pics to another man I don’t give a fuck how shredded you are, that’s shits gay with a capital G nigger.

post body

I've lost 100 lbs and gained a good amount of muscle in the past few years. I'm 192 now and wanna get to like 180... I know I'm almost where I should be seeing my six-pack, but I've got some loose skin so I'm afraid it'll never be there :^(
Can I still be master race when I get down to human level bf%, or are we strictly pagans with no redemption narratives?

Bloatlord is the only reasonable way to go. Strong as fuck but also get to eat and intimidate twinks.

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We were told fat people would all die from corona but that didn't happen so what's next?

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Hello fellow Yas Forums bro

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Hello friends!

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Are you guys seriously responding to a datamining thread with pics of yourselves? ffs

Age 51, I can do better.

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fit but not strong, your chest is a joke. I bet your a fag lifting.

How can Americans be this dumb?