That's mighty white of you

My neigbor is pretty old, in his 60s or 70s. There were a bunch of weeds on both sides of our fence in the back yard so I pulled them all on both sides. He comes out and says "Thank you, that's mighty white of you." while I'm working. I decided to look it up online later and sure enough my neighbor is one of the good ones. I didn't even know that phrase was a thing. I plan to use it myself from now on. Do you know any other good ones like this one?

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Are you white?


For the most part that phrase is disparaging. They're making fun of you.

This should be the captcha

Literally everything I've read on it says the opposite. Fuck of nigger.

>characteristics that improve society and inner character
>working the land as things are meant to be
>no money involved
>no Jews or subversions involved

Are you a leaf using a VPN? Stfu this is great and I’m using it thanks for the good post OP

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Quaint, but the origins of that expression have nothing to do with race. Your neighbour is not le based and redpilled, he's just old.

It's legit, I still drop that one from time to time.

Old people have always tended to become niggers. It's like people curdle and stop readily imagining other viewpoints.

It’s used sarcastically.

I was walking through a gun shop one time and one of the employees was walking around doing some tasks whistline the horst wessel lied. When he walked past at the end of a stanza I said in tune with his whistling "in unsern reihen mit..." and he sort of froze for a second, then he grinned, tapped his nose, and kept walking. I laughed and kept moving. That's the 2nd closest I've ever come to meeting someone outside of my family who thinks like me. The other time, I was stuck with my wife and his sister playing that stupid cards against humanity game with a bunch of her friends.

This one girl there brought her boyfriend and someone played a card that ended up as a holocaust joke and this guy lets rip that there's no way the numbers add up on the holocaust and it's a load of bullshit. They all jumped on him, I majored in history in college and my sister in law turns to me with a "IS THIS TRUE?" comment, and I basically said yeah the numbers don't hold up to scrutiny but basically if you question it publicly you get stomped on like a little insect. That guy gave me a pretty good handshake and nod as he was leaving.

They have: "play the white man" in the UK

nice fantasy blogpost kid

nice story OP, good deed

You're a moron. A basic web search shows you're full of shit.

common phrase where i'm from. also "the white thing to do" like when you pay a debt back

>my wife and his sister
what did he mean by this?

Based boomer neighbor is based
My boomer Grandpa used to say that

There's more of us than we even realize, we are just socially isolated from each other. Looking forward to the day when it's not like that anymore.

>I asked google and Google said some jews say it's racist so there haha now what

The alternative to this is "that was mighty Christian of you"
I use that when the person doing the mighty white deed isnt white lol

Yandex you stupid fuckhead. Keep trying shill.

Now you're acting like a nigger. Not very white of you.

This is a phrase originally created by Jews to thank shabbos goy for doing tasks on the sabbath when Jews cannot.

Now you're trying too hard.

Oh yeah schlomo?


Says the one who's mad on Yas Forums

sometimes my friends from highschool would talk about taking care of their dogs by taking them out to the creek while they go fish. they would always call the activity "white wellbeing". idk why but that phrase always stood out to me as if different racial groups achieve wellbeing from different activities

I want more pro white turns of phrase. Op had a good one, I added an alternative, and I like the "white well-being" one. Stop being colossal faggots and contribute. Language is culture.

Keep trying. You'll make it one day shill. (You won't).

I know of a club/resort type thing in state you wouldn't guess that used to be called "the lilly-white club" I always liked that, still pretty based there surprisingly.

Wait is your neighbor black? Mexican? I'm confused.

Old fucker here.

It was a compliment. It means doing right and being a good guy to a fellow citizen. As whites are the most charitable race it is high lighting that you are exhibiting one of the traits of the white man.

>thinking your blogpost is important enough to attract subversive paid agents
>delusions of grandeur and persecution
Classical schizophrenia

Itls a complement. Now, the expression "That's mighty greedy, nepotistic, beady eyed, gefeltefisk and mothball smelling, hooknosed, kike of you" is an insult.

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My dad used it all of the time

You're running through the approved list of shill topics I see. You're going to need to be more creative than that.