Why is Anime so anti-semitic?

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jews fear the samurai

damn, 2D love is based

kinda' true

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Thats actually based and redpilled


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kikes are mad because its a market they cant touch because only nips can make anime

Being and ugly dork leads to getting no pussy, which to bitterness, which leads to hate and escapism into video games and anime. Simple as.

Cut a weeb and a pedo bleeds.

>Watch hollywood movie, GOYIM
>No you must trust in what we have made especially for you. CIA glowniggers and kikes working hand in hand, want you to see through kike eyes

i gotta say thats pretty accurate, i mean i hate jews and like anime.

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this, ugly faces lead to anti antisemitism

damn I remember him... UNROLL

Why are weebs so based and redpilled?

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I'm a kike and I make anime

it's not

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Yes, 2d is the only thing you filthy kike rats that need to be lampshades havent pozzed up.

They're scared of anime. There are two kinds of anime out there newfags and boomers. There are animes such as Vinland Saga which is based and redpilled and then there are animes such as Konosuba which is cringe and bluepilled. Know the difference, it could save your life.

with no weeb following because you are a kike and not a nip

Netflix garbage doesn't count. You can call it anime all you like, but it ain't.

the jew fears the weeb

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nothing more repulsive than a white man worshiping a fucking bug culture

wtf I love japs now

Give me a title you've worked on and I'll tell you if your work is even anime.

Yeah, Japan was devastatingly bombed by Jews in WW2.
I guess it kinda stuck with them.

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You told me that chinese cartoons were tranny makers, make up your mind zog.
I can't hate and love everything all the time.


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Fucking based

>Oy vey if all dees goyim are fappin to too-dee waifus, how we gonna make our shekels from our regular porn now!!! IT'S LIKE ANNUDAH SHOAH!

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Absolutely based

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the nips are good at imitating humans that's about it, anything good about japan comes from old white culture

I don't care about anime but anyone still reading Thomas Wictor's tweets in 2020 legit suffers from brain damage. dude outed himself as a shill like 3 years ago.

>not being addicted to non-3DPD porography is antisemitic.
What did he mean by this?

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is this guy some kind of leading expert on anime fans?

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We'll we'd use normal women but Jews ruined that sooooo

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