Can "Libertarians" actually cash their Trumpbux™ in, and still call themselves "Libertarians"?

Can "Libertarians" actually cash their Trumpbux™ in, and still call themselves "Libertarians"?

Cashing in on a "Socialist" scheme on the same levels of irony that a "true Vegan" participating in the active fantasy of eating imitation meat but being "Holier-than-thou" because it's not "Real" meat.

I'm almost certain that 99% of libertarians don't actually believe in anything, just the opposite of what libtards believe.

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I've paid WAY more than 1,200$ in taxes so of course i'm going to take this tiny little rebate.

Depends really. Has the government stopped you from working and getting paid? If so why shouldn't libertarians get compensated especially since they didn't consent to stop working?

I'm recovering as much of my stolen money as possible. It will never equal what they originally took from me either directly through taxation or through the society-wide opportunity costs of their insane social engineering schemes but its better than nothing.

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Of course you are.
I would.

You can’t take it and call yourself a "Libertarian" though.

Can't have your cake and eat it too.

Just getting money back

I'll call myself whatever I want and you can't stop me

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Interesting take.

I'd hypothesize though that most people work for a private enterprise.
If the private enterprise lays you off, you don't deserve the Trumpbux™, because you got laid off because of market forces.

Getting a minute fraction of ones stolen money back isn’t unlibertarian, Mr. Bean.

can "socialists" and "communists" buy stuff from private enterprises and call themselves "socialist" and communist"?

consuming from a "capitalist" scheme on the same levels of irony that a "true Vegan" participating in the active fantasy of eating imitation meat but being "Holier-than-thou" because it's not "Real" meat.

i am almost certain that 99% of marxists don´t actually believe in anything, just the opposite of what their parents believe.

But in some cases those market forces are artificially created by government.
Right now it's impossible to tell who would have genuinely lost their job and who was laid off or furloughed by this shutdown.


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No, they can't.

I also agree.

Unironically participating in a socialist scheme does lad.

Fair point. Even if I seriously doubt the market would be in a better position without gov intervention.

>you can't exploit an unfair system


Being forced to do something at gunpoint is hardly “participating”

We are just taking our money back.

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the government can't force you not to work and not provide some kind of compensation. they are giving u the money that you essentially lost because of there policy

Are Trumpbux™ mandatory? I thought it was an opt-in system?

If the government forces you out of work, and then compensates you for it, is that socialism?

if your an adept of fuckyouism you definitely can

Taxation you mong

>Can "Libertarians" actually cash their Trumpbux™ in, and still call themselves "Libertarians"?
They can and they will. They will also tell you that you shouldn't cash in yours, because it's welfare.

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Yeah, this was pretty much my take from it as well.

I'm ambivalent to the actual welfare system. Liars are hypocrites really get to me though.

Someone make a game about demons with two paths of redemption and at least one pure evil path.

You start out looking like a weak demon. Twisted, but wretched. Growing on the evil path makes you look like a more awesome demon.

In one path of redemption you just do good things as much as possible. Your character looks like they're becoming a more awesome demon for a while, but by the end of this path they've cleaned up into the semblance of a dragon instead.

In the other path of redemption you do a mixture of horrific things that make your character look less evil. Think blood sacrifices for beauty, and forging shining swords with the blood of innocents. This stuff is available on the pure evil path as well - it makes your character look like a fallen angel over time if you sacrifice for beauty while being pure evil - but if you also do a bunch of good deeds unfallen angels will start interceding to see if you'll lay off the side order of atrocities in exchange for your appearance and environs being purified. At the end of that path you look like an angel.

The game's story could symbolize the lore of harm reduction. The demon's harms are irreducible; they can only live in hell. The dragon is already harm reducing without being taught. The fallen angel is stealing the beauty of the harm reducer without aiding the cause. The angel's harms were successfully reduced in full, bringing them to the side of virtue.

It's a tax refund.

I don't pay taxes and I cashed it out.
I didn't ask for it and I'm not paying taxes on it. They can give me as much as they want, I'm not paying it back and I'm not giving them votes.

The first 5 bucks I spent was buying tamales from an old Mexican woman in front of a walmart without a food vendor license and she's not going to declare it as an income on her taxes.

step back and think for 2 seconds you stupid bong

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Sounds a lot like welfare to me lad.

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>Someone make a game about demons with two paths of redemption and at least one pure evil path.

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im a libertarian never got my check never will spend it. Who knows what sort of strings attached will come about in the future.

Fair play, you're an actual libertarian and I respect that.

A belief in the obvious competitive advantage of a free market doesn't imply you should act under those principles in a rigged system
And we both know you'd never hold yourself to your own standards even if they were imposed from above

I know what you're saying, and I don't disagree.

I'm just triggering self-claimed "Libertarians" for playing mental gymnastics and generally being retarded.

I think we both know, actual "Libertarians" don't actually exist. Outside of some tribes with zero contact with civilization...