Negative price of oil

>negative price of oil
>you can't actually buy physical oil

How does this scam actually work?

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looks disgusting

if its negative, shouldn't i be able to get a barrel of oil for free and get like $37 back

Fat dumb plumber scum

Did you unironically eat that and then vomit it back up to fry again?

Sure, but you're going to have to sort out all the logistics for that barrel, including storage, shipping, perhaps paying some form of import tax or duty on it, and then there's the legal shit required to store a barrel oil that I'm sure exists in our police state.
I don't think it's as easy as throwing £5 at the monitor and then somehow having ownership of 5 barrels of oil and cash reimbursement.

Attached: poland.gif (400x224, 1.72M)

There is more oil produced than we use and more than we have space to store. There are oil tankers, full of oil but nowhere to deliver it. Oil is like garbage now- I'll pay you to take it because I have nowhere to fucking put it and it is valued less than the 55gallon drum that it's supposed to be stored in.

are you gay?

>If they don't move oil through the pipeline it might break
So they need to flow a certain minimal amount of oil through the pipeline. If you can't sell it, pay people to take it away.

>can't buy physical oil
it is sold in volume units of barrels, but you don't get the container for free, and transport isn't free either.

also jewish witchcraft

they don't store oil in 55gal drums, they store it in boats, pipelines and big olde tanks.

If Trump hasn't refilled the national stockpile, now is the time.

We forget that you prefer toast and beans for sustenance. Noted

oil is traded in boatload units. You don´t have enough certified storage for even the smallest unit. This is some high level trade shit

3/10 bait

Eating sour things is great for you desu. Great for digestion.

What is this shit? Paella for Slavs?

Attached: huh.jpg (1533x961, 131.29K)

how come you never make perogi, faggot?

>pickles and onions in rice mixed with expired salad shaker kit

jesus christ, might as well squirt yellow mustard and orange juice concentrate in there

get off the board newfag
polish user always posts his disgusting recipes when making a bread

What if I buy the negative price oil, get my free money and then tell the boat where it is currently stored to just drive out into the middle of the sea and pump it overboard

(((Futures))) my niggah

i get the funny, but someone will expect receiving a shipment and manifest. you gotta understand the paper trails for any regulated or hazardous materials (RCRA-regulated materials) are standardized, expected, and theres no way to avoid them without going to prison.


>I don't think it's as easy as throwing £5 at the monitor
Its true I tried it. It didn't work.

Sooo..we can't store extra oil because some gay regulations? Good to know. Let the world burn because of some silly law created by bribed leftists years ago.

Is that scuffed pilaw or something?

Attached: Pilaf_with_chicken.jpg (1024x768, 248.46K)

youre some sort of special, aintcha? i truly wish the worst possible life for you and walmart user

Cringe and mutt pilled

organbro eat more organs mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Even if oil were free it would still cost at least 1 dollar per litre in Romania due to taxes, lol.

Dilate and unlicensed pilled

how much does it cost to bribe the paperwork autists because if it's less than a tankerload of -$40/barrel oil I think I'm still on to something
eat shit greta

>a roll of toilet papper worth more than a barrel of oil
What an amazing time to live.

>rice sitting in all that water
Aren't you the fucker that posts your porridge and awful boiled everything food?

actually a roll of toilet paper is worth more than the world's entire oil supply

Pickles? Why?

you know the old joke of "even criminals are scared of the IRS"? well, in any RCRA-regulated industry, everyone is scared of being investigated. im not sure how to emphasize that no one wants to have violations regarding cradle-to-grave paperwork, particularly a company that handles billions of barrels of oil each year.

on a tangent, i believe technically, new oil (which includes crude, motor oil, gasoline, etc..) is listed as a "Regulated" material, as opposed to "hazardous", due to a few lawsuits and confusion when RCRA was first passed. used petroleum products are technically "Hazardous".