Oil back at $21

For those who don't understand why it went negative today, don't even try to understand it. Just realize it was an interesting technical blip for a few hours.

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Nothing to see here

Oil is like crack for Americans

Is this real?

did this really happen?

>Just realize it was an interesting technical blip for a few hours
This is why nobody takes the stock market seriously. The whole thing is a joke.

How'd the cat do that?

How the fuck??

It is at -2, your 21 is for June futures.

Implying this shit will be over by the middle of next month.

It going negative was actually correct today. You don't understand how oil futures work.

What the hell??

It’s real!


Jews got so much money from the fed the past few weeks and bought so much shit, that they ran out of places to put it all. Dont worry then are getting more fed money to buy more storage so whites dont benefit from this anymore than they allready have.

where can I get or buy this breed of cats?


No, oil delivery for June is at $20....and it fell 17% today. There's a very good chance that the exact same thing happens next month when futures need to be settled.

How did they train him to dance like that? I bet they had to use a bunch of treats!

So....what we have will be cheap as fuck but as these oil reserves can't be delivered or stored anywhere oil will become scarce for a short period, prices will jump sky high due to every distributor for petrol being out of gas essentially and then suddenly having a supply again?

No, because we now have so much sitting in reserves that it would absorb the demand shock while production begins again
We have literally never had the world's storage capacity for oil fill up before

I actually understand futures the same thing is going to happen for the contracts in June. There's no getting out now.

unless there's some artificial scarcity

>don't even try to understand it
As if this was actually some complex thing.
Just google futures contract, understand what it is and it will be obvious why someone would want to pay money to get rid of it.

Essentially people were giving away agreements to buy X barrels of oil in a set amount of time. They gave some incentive on top just so that they got rid of the agreements. They likely cut their losses in the process.

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I've seen a cat dance way better than that.

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how does this keep happening?

>nowhere to store
Imagine being such an ignorant roach. We are coming back for Constantinople nigger.

This is what I was wondering. Not an expert at all but I don't understand why this wouldn't just happen all over again next month.