I’m confused bros
I’m confused bros
we should have done a better background check user
Getting real sick of this orange retard
Rules for me, not for thee
You are not confused, you are just a faggot.
The pol/ background check team really dropped the ball hard on this kushner guy. They need to be fired
All of you are obviously leftoids from discord, I don't even know why you bother when the only people who aren't specifically you and your friends responding to this thread are people like me telling you how retarded you are.
lol kek me harder nigger
It's the foreground you should worry about.
t. boomer
>to defeat the kikes we have to listen to super kike
oh not this shit again
fake tweet
It’s real
Odd thread. Lots of criticism of Trump and America but not a single one of those posts uses a slur like nigger, kike, or faggot. I wonder what that could mean?
Trump doesn’t care about America
nice filename.
Good thing you live in your shithole then, you chink fuck.
God I fucking hate Canadians.
He is taking a wrecking ball to everything.
Not a bad thing to be responsible for.
>That Facebook file name
Joe is a non-factor and the only other option is a socialist who will never get support from any more than 10% of Democrats.
Maybe they don’t like being edgy for the sake of being edgy
Trump pushed faggot-pride world wide with /globohomo/, married his daughter off to a kike in order to get honorary kike status, and constantly talks about how he’s lowering nigger unemployment rates while letting whites continue to die deaths of despair and doing nothing about the browning of America.
Nice spacing, shill.
President's first term is nothing but an audition for the second.
As soon as he's re-elected, there will be nothing that can stop him from doing anything he wants.
Obvious lib niggers.
He is a bigger conman than actual politicians, his base doesn't care because this retard orangeutan is all they got left in their dying, dried up, obedient dog ideology.
He's the kind of conman NIGGER that fucks paid whores the day his wife is giving birth, and then proceeds to praise Christianity, as the MIGApedes celebrate his "basedness"
Imagine wasting your time shilling on /pol with crap like this hoping you'll convert a few anons to vote Bern...Biden. My fucking sides.
Trump 2020 and beyond faggot. Nothing can stop him.
Canadians are just jealous little faggots.
why would he take responsibility? the whole thing is a hoax