Anti white news articles

We all know that the left is okay with racism as long as it is against whites. I am debating with some black people regarding this issue. Hit me with some news articles showing their bias.

Attached: 77BF8701-96A8-423D-9438-9D08777548C7.jpg (774x959, 83.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: antiwhite.jpg (2952x1375, 1.4M)

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Have you tried yelling at trees?

Attached: 1569208856264.jpg (1024x652, 385.69K)

Attached: Critics Attack Hallmark’s Christmas Movies ‘They Brim with White Heterosexuals’.png (599x2272, 508.35K)

Attached: Diversify or Die The National Hockey League Has a Demography Problem.png (633x858, 452.11K)

nigger will never read any of that shit, meme flag

Based redpills, post all I got so I can redpill twitter and.reddit

Attached: Ford v Ferrari depicts a ‘car guy’ generation best left dead and gone.png (851x705, 65.65K)

Attached: Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda.png (893x1220, 995.9K)

Attached: Iowa too white.png (598x508, 311.11K)

Attached: London cyclists too white, male and middle class, says capital's cycling chief in vow to tackle diversity 'problem'.png (1041x322, 38.66K)

>debating with niggers
Not sure whose more retarded here

Based Canadian, also no way a nigger is Canadian.

Meant to say post all I got. poster

Attached: New Hampshire is 94% white. It is now trying to figure out how to change that..png (629x701, 389.19K)

Fuck, fat fingers. Post all you got

Attached: NY Times Refugees Needed to Fill ‘Void of Cultural Diversity’ in White Towns.png (681x2126, 1.02M)

Attached: Stop Blaming History for Your All-White, All-Male Movie.png (650x495, 50.71K)

Attached: The climate movement is overwhelmingly white. So I walked away.png (598x691, 254.38K)

Attached: The EU is too white – and Brexit likely to make it worse, MEPs and staff say.jpg (984x1200, 357.33K)

Attached: U.S. firefighters are overwhelmingly white and male. Here’s why that needs to change.png (627x681, 318.3K)


Attached: Van Jones Iowa Caucus Delay a ‘Debacle’ — 90% White Caucus Not Viable.png (665x898, 391K)

Attached: Why are so many white men trying to save the planet without the rest of us.png (665x419, 86.01K)

Attached: IMG_2769.jpg (700x729, 53.07K)

This kind of shit makes you want to die and come back like some kind of huge demobil creature and just stomp on every Human skull till there is 0% Human life left on this planet.

Just constant unreasonable bullshit like this and they never shut their dumb fucking mouthes.

Would be positively cathartic at this point.

These journalists are fucking traitors

Attached: 1447495263925.png (297x259, 34.28K)

Demon like creature. So they shit their fucking pants in sheer terror before they get stomped.

(((Every single time journalists)))

Attached: 1449270451346.png (1695x828, 1.08M)

It’s really incredible that a lot of these people arent in jail for this by now.

Attached: White Women, Come Get Your People.png (610x1160, 103.5K)


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Journalists are gonna and hanged soon

Attached: The End of an Era … for White Males.png (1017x3727, 1.46M)

Attached: American Prosperity Depends on a Nonwhite Future.png (704x989, 372.57K)

Traitors? Man, they were NEVER on your side in the first place. They've always hated you, they've always hated your children, they've always hated your culture, theyve always hated your religion, they hate everything about you and they want you wiped off the face of the earth and erased from the pages of history books, they want to take your money and your house, they want to take away your career and your will to live, they even want custody of your children so they can destroy them as well, and are trying to pass laws as I type this to do so legally specifically to white families, they think about how much they hate you with every fiber of their being every minute of every day and they wont stop until every last one of us in dead or in bondage. It's coming and its as real as you and I.

Attached: America's Getting Less White, and That Will Save It.png (773x882, 368.91K)

Attached: An Open Letter To White Boys In Poli Sci.png (840x4052, 480.2K)

Attached: The Problem of Whiteness is still, inevitably, white people.jpg (409x419, 55.03K)

Attached: The Straight, White, Middle-Class Man Needs to Be Dethroned.png (1078x929, 454.95K)

Just have them google the phrase "white people", anybody who claims that it isn't effectively a pejorative is either lying or not paying attention.

In all seriousness, the people who write these are horrible people.

Attached: Why the 'End' of White Men Is Actually Good for White Men.png (666x2724, 350.54K)

For once a good meme flaggot. Keep posting.

Attached: Your DNA is an abomination.jpg (2338x1700, 1.45M)

What to do then user? How to fight back?

Attached: White men must be stopped The very future of mankind depends on it.png (686x3989, 237.93K)

It's not about convincing the black person, it's about convincing anyone observing your exchange.

Attached: Texas A&M won't fire professor who called for killing white people.png (691x559, 271.44K)

Attached: Samantha Bee on the US election 'White people ruined America'.png (640x794, 339.74K)

Attached: 5cada9866780ff4aa9fcc4f1e992ac3acb9edb3fe5050495c525af9614011aeb.jpg (764x1292, 301.51K)

Attached: Santa Claus Should Not Be a White Man Anymore.png (875x941, 330.89K)

Remember that time.... when African Tribes for like hundreds of years, conquered other African Tribes, and sold them off as slaves?

It's in their blood.

Attached: yay.png (414x334, 306.94K)

Attached: Public Minnesota Kindergarten Class Teaches Children About ‘White Privilege’.png (591x1343, 447.36K)

Attached: Prof I Chose Not To Have Children, Because They’d Be White.png (837x1382, 591.08K)

Attached: Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White Supremacy.png (893x508, 36.53K)

Attached: 1509233368662.png (493x354, 22.64K)

That makes no sense. White people are the United States of America. Everyone else is just visiting.

Attached: Pentagon manual White, Christian heterosexual males have unfair advantages.png (1247x493, 119.54K)

Attached: Parenting Magazine Warns ‘Blond, Cheerful’ Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing.jpg (666x703, 175.63K)


Attached: bz-5ce2bcd1b94d1.jpg (604x800, 62.43K)

Attached: pale, male, stale leadership.png (630x560, 366.74K)

Niggers and mutts love to crow about demographic change yet they still struggle to crack the glass ceiling that is middle management. Maybe it really wasn't the man that was keeping you down all this time but instead your own innate limitations?

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