The average person sees nothing wrong with pic related. And I'm not even talking about the Lesbian couple. The "artist" that made this was clearly trying to summarize her life during Quarantine into one picture, and all she could come up with was
>nintendo switch
>panda slippers?
>muh sexuality
This image perfectly encapsulates the hedonism that has consumed the modern, western world. Consumerism is wrong, and hedonism is wrong, but how do we convince a modern person that? How do we make them see that this image is something to be repulsed by?
How do we convince people that consumerism is wrong?
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in reality those people have already broken down and snapped. i know of many such cases. that is just the dream and illusion of what they wish was happening. the reality is much different. dont confuse the two.
>how do we convince people
You can't, and you don't need to. Let it fail and fall. It's high time for a restart.
If my body didn't enjoy shitting so much I'd stop eating all together!
You are right, but when normies will still see this image and think it is some kind of ideal to strive towards, that's the problem. We need to people to break free of the illusion.
I cannot type
At the very least we could convince some individuals.
Maybe there's nothing wrong with this and you are a subhuman redneck?
Excessive trash, wasted materials and energy (including in traffic jams), planned obsolescence, poorly made products, toxic substances on water and food, air pollution, lack of long term planning... are all real issues that aren't covered by the (((narrative))).
It has begun
He will return
You have to make them look into the void. The consumerism is simply a band-aid that diverts their attention away from the underlying problem of the lack of meaning in their life as well as their own mortality. They bury this nihilism under mountains of dopamine hits, though it still breaks through with the insane amount of depression we have in the world. They need to see and understand the absolute Hell that awaits them.
that's just a part of the cycle
ride the tiger
Ride the tiger is dumb. We can't just sit around and wait for change to happen, that's not how the universe works.
conventional morality used to dictate that excess and living outside of your means was immoral. vanity was seen as something only out of touch elites did. there was this book called empire of things that detailed just how many useless items we have and the evolution of marketing for useless items.
Like commies usually do,m by lying to them.
i cant remember the name of the essay but the essence was that we waste so much of others lives and we destroy our surroundings and environment for useless trinkets and that in itself is immoral. us buying cheap chinese shit so frequently justifies their sweat shops and child labor for example. the essay was from the 1860 but i dont remember the name
People have free will to choose how to live their lives. If they want to piss their hard earned money away and support mine and millions of other people's lives, let them. There are still some people who choose to live frugally and don't need stuff
All women are like this dude. Worldwide women do 70% of all household spending.
Stop pretending we’re equal. In a state of nature it’s women instinct to hoard goods.
And yeah lesbian couples are the worst. They are never happy or like pic related
>inserts unrelated yuri image
Fuck you, go back to your containment board.
What should they do then, faggot? Go outside and chop wood? Who cares that they are enjoying themselves that way.
they arent supporting you, they are supporting third world sweat shops and child labor for useless unfulfilling junk
Genocide all boomers first then the society can rise from the ashes
if they're lesbos, they will be the most useless citizens
>but how do we convince a modern person that?
if you dont know, why are you so sure?
I bought meself a blue steel bastard sword with me Trumpbux and been usin it innawoods
Lesbians are already dead on a spiritual level. There is nothing you can do.
>people enjoying themselves and their possessions is wrong!
>why won't everyone conform to my ideas of what they should do???
It's times like these I'm very glad most of you are beta Male bootlickers with no power. Most times the collective conciousness of Yas Forums is right, but it's threads like these that prove none of you should have any say in other's lives.
Its not. Only people who complain about consumerism are people without money.
People like this aren't "enjoying themselves" their lives are completely empty. Hedonism doesn't work. Spend five seconds on reddit and you will see half of them are depressed because they live like this
if everyone on Yas Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely
i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second
think on
what would you rather have them do, stare at a wall?
Literally the opposite
I'm profiting off the products and services sold regardless
Scooby-Jew 2: Nazis Uncircumcised
Don't go bashing trees with that, you'll fuck it, get something like this, or the Fiskars X15 which is better but unaesthetic
build meaningful relationships based around more than sex, develop an actual personality, stop wasting your days in mindless consumption that only makes you feel horrible in the long run
People have to realize it themselves. You can only reject consumerism by looking within yourself. If you can see it, consider yourself lucky, but try to think back on how you figured it out. Really think about it and try to find out what the source of your anti-consumerism is. It’s always from looking within yourself.