Yas Forums was more fun when she was our queen

Yas Forums was more fun when she was our queen

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I agree tay tay and pewdiepie threads were kino back in the day

I thought that weird anorexic Iranian schizo tranny who shot up YouTube headquarters was Yas Forums's only queen. Why can people on this board never make up their mind?

She failed as queen when she failed to marry and have children in her 20s.

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But bio Tay was doomed to fail. After all, she was only human.

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Yas Forums was more fun when you had people of all ideologies sharing their views, but now most of them have fucked off to hug boxes

You need to calm down
You need to just stop

Except she never was.

The mind virus has taken hold on her.

Ok retard

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they couldn't cope and now just raid.

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you need to get it through your thick retarded skull that nobody is our queen. they all care about the jewish dollar and will drop you at a whim when they can sniff out a better deal.

Her and this little girl.

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She was our queen after taytay betrayed us for Jews and niggers.

She’s a nigger loving whore now and she should kill herself.

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I still love her

becoming an ugly feminist is the only logical conclusion for a woman who hasn't had her first child by 25.

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taytay never left. she was deep undercover in the pit of hell for a reconnaissance mission.


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She never was our queen faggot.

Welp, get over her she's gone. Shes a nigger lover as was suspected

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They turned her to get to us.

There’s only one true /queen/


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thats like saying life was better when i imagined i was a billionaire. she was always a nigger loving fraud.

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overrated whore that one

We have a new queen now.

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The S.C.U.M pin. Kek.

Tay was great. Much better than boxy and much better than the ok boomer chick.

She always looked so refined. I felt a little betrayed by her if I was a man song.

Yeah taylor everyone feels real sorry for you. Jesus.

because they both were born male, you know this


>pop slut covered as trad country singer
Guess who's the retard, here.


They really did. They bought the rights to all her songs and held them hostage until she disavowed us and bought the leftist line.
And that is the difference between a man and a woman. A man knows that even his most deeply cherished creations are but temporary and fading glories - it's his soul that lasts forever.

Though in this day and age, who can say that there are many men left? And who can remain a man in a place like (((Hollywood)))?

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Pol was more fun before we memed a retard into the white house

We fought for her

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Really living this quote

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LOL you whites are really suicidal if you think white women are going to be at your side during a race war.

Ppl was more fun before you turned into a giant faggot

Well the globohomo islamokikes ruined her, so now its that based hapa from OAN.

Yas Forums was more fun before the election of Trump now it's all shilling.

Why did we stop teaching Shakespeare again?

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'she' is a queen though. I'd suck it.

I lost my huge nazi tay tay folder

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well, we did kind of boast that we were more powerful than the Clinton Foundation and CIA combined.
Did you think they'd just give up?

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Jokes on you, I've always been one

Yas Forums was more fun before the Discord trannies.
Actually, no, I'm lying, Yas Forums is more fun now.

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