Dementia Joe

Not trying to start a comment war I'm an independent, but regardless of politics how can anyone really vote for Biden when he is riddled with dementia and cant even speak?


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Why do senior citizens come here? Go back to faceberg.

shhh. don't say anything, the idiots watching msnbc and cnn still think joe is amazing and coherent. there'll be more lols if he gets the nomination.

No one actually like Biden. His voters just dislike Sanders and Trump more than they hate Biden.

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So would you call Trumps press conferences coherent?

This shit is literally the least of our problems right now. Fucking economy is imploding.

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Don't vote for Joe Pedo!

> (OP)
yeah or trump the pedo/retard

Honestly yes, at least trump has some confidence in what he's saying. Biden literally talks like Abe Simpson with less charisma somehow.

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A real link on Biden's mental health.

He already did, its trump vs biden now.

even if its all lies?

Leaf faggot

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Still trying to figure the site out, fren?

I'm an independent, too, and I am appalled that Joe even got in the race due to his dementia. He's completely incapable of meeting the demands of the office. I don't think that the VP will run things behind the scenes. It will be a shadowy group from the Obama days, maybe guided by Obama himself. I'm not a fan of Trump, but I can't vote for corpse with who knows who behind it.

Trump has actually tried to keep campaign promises unlike any dem.

Trump has actually built sections of wall and increased deportations.

He created a booming economy before the world recession from covid.

American politics is pretty sad desu

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Not associated with Q, but all these pedos are getting taken down by the 12/21/20 Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction.

Ride or die, retard

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>He already did
dems postponed convention until aug 17, you're about to see the craziest shitshow of your life. if you thought corona was nuts, just wait.

Creepy rapey Joe will lose hard to chad Trump.

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What's really sad is the amount of cum you swallow without getting ill.

who would win in a fight, joe biden or a brainful of neurodegenerative bois?

It pretty much senior citizen abuse to have joe running .

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i saw a bumper sticker here in Bay Area, Cali yesterday: "Biden. Really?" It does make you wonder what the fuck were the dems thinking not running Tulsi? Or shit at least Michelle Obama or Oprah?


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This is it 2016 anymore, fuck Trump. He had long enough to do something but has done nothing for white people.


Politician gets a poll-bump from the nomination usually, Democrats are hoping to shorten the campaign season (fewer chances for Biden to fuck up) and ride the september poll bump he gets into november.

I would be surprised if he actually shows up for the debates.

If you talk to liberals you'll find they see nothing wrong with a "multipolar executive". The constitution and the government are worth dogshit to them, it's all about 'winning' and by that I mean some fag with a barista job (or used to anyway, since starfucks fired all their baristas lol) feels like he's in charge by proxy when Democrats are in the white house.


Only rightwingers like surfmommy


doesn't want to run


A meme

I cannot fucking wait to see the debates, american elections are he absolute best, the shitposting to follow is also amazing

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This user right here. If we let Biden win it will be all the more kekful and when the american public see Joes dementia in action they will react with such disgust they'll never vote for a democrat or dare raise taxes on the yehudi again