Why did he do it?

why did he do it?
he attacked a church, a fucking chuch for fuck's sake.

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Fuck off u were here yesterday kike

Literally who? Is this some Disney Channel actor or something?

Autism+low IQ+Yas Forums is a bad mix

I don't know. Didn't he have a black friend who was interviewed by the media?

Didn't you have a black friend who was interviewed by your mom

Some folks you can just look at and know something's gonna happen.

Look at the pic man. Look at the pic. He's "Wild Eyed".

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Well,... he not attack the church.

he just attack the niggers who where located inside the church.

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total fucking coward.
if he was such a nigger hater, he should have rolled up into a street corner in downtown Atlanta. but like the massive pussy he is, he chose a church.
love or hate niggers, that's a bitch move. preying on the weak and defenseless is the most jewish thing one can do. and you know he's gotta be riding black mamba from sundown into the night. a faggot both before and after. sad!

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yea. he also had a ton of black facebook friends. dont believe the hype

for all you know that church was a front for marxist freemason niggers


He attacked a politician in a church because he knew it was a soft target.

He was a coward with a small penis. He’ll die a virgin.

>a church
Yes, and he became a nigger for that. I could tell from his mugshot when the shit happened he was on opiates.

A church full of middle east worshipping traitors. The only bonus is that they were niggers.

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>with a small penis
how do you know that

No, not really. His black “friends” all said that they didn’t really know him. Most of his white friends said the same.

oh yea where did it say that

This faggot leaf's reply right here is unironically why he did it.
>niggers make jokes about fucking his mom
>can see it upsets him so the keep pressing it
>he shoots up niggers' mammy at church

It’s an obvious inference. Men don’t murder old ladies at prayer. He killed a grandma, a librarian...who the fuck murders a librarian?

Still, looks terrible, he should have gone to a trap house

heh you guys think this is Dylann Roofs real sister

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Sheep dipped wash out programmed by the ABC’s

i doubt he had a choice

Sarge, why did you marry someone with a nose like that?

a librarian murderer

It was and there was a state senator in attendance. Even after cville people don't realize these institutions are subverted. The church in cville is where the commies staged and hid there changes of clothes and stashed their weapons.

He killed a Senator but for some reason this bit always gets forgotten about

derprpp fuck you private i done did muh time fightin for israel now imma gonna marry the closest thang uh can find to God's chosen people

There goes the bbc myth then.

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Yeah, because he totally didn't write a manifesto clearly stating his motive.

talk shit get fucked

>The Justice Department will fast track the sending of $29 million to South Carolina to help families of victims of the mass murder of nine churchgoers at a historic black church in Charleston, a Justice Department spokesman said on Friday.

Dylann Roof was apprehended between 10 and 11 AM on 18 June 2015. nothing weird going on there.

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You’re going to be fucked up when your dad has shitty tats, nipple rings, a waxed chest, and a watch that costs more than his car.