Wu-flu turns you into a nigger

How will you retarded freedumb nazis cope now?

Attached: 2020-04-21_00h47_51.png (682x693, 408.71K)

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Nigga please

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>High intensity instant nigger beams


This is karma for the animals abused.

Americans owning niggers counts as animal abuse?

What? No, if you act like a nigger you become a nigger.

Right, so all the americans right now who are acting like niggers are going to look like niggers soon enough?

Was that not my original point?

Proof positive the USA created this bio weapon to curse the chinese

>yfw the doctor tells you you're a nigger now

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Hmm.... maybe there is credence to it being an American virus. Literally turns you into a mutt.

Fake and gay.

i knew they were gonna do this someday. it is a retrovirus that turns white dna into niggers. thank hitler i have my mask. corona virus is engineered and unleashed by the state of israel and the jews.

Sad! Many such cases!

> wu flu turns you into a nigger, only 2 supposed cases ever documented in the last 6 months
> chinks being chinks and testing some new shit on some patients for the glory of tshina

which one will it be?

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Even starts growing Afro hair.

>Acting like
There's a difference.

You are what you eat

Simple deductions from simple facts

Where did you get that article from? Looks like a shitty blog to me.


>fake news is real news now
Ok, faggot.

Yay, you learned search engines exist. You have still done nothing to focus on the actual research which was clearly described within the article.

Are you saying these zipperheads didn't turn into niggers? Are you saying it's all a CGI hoax?

If that's your understanding of genetics, then I feel really sorry for you.

This is him today (4/20). It turns you into a nigger for 2 days. Imagine.

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Hollywood can finally use that to fake diversity without having to hire retarded niggers.

Literally just a common cold

>It turns you into a nigger for 2 days. Imagine.

Nigger for a day is no better than being a nigger for life

A common cold that has a 1/1000 chance of randomly killing anyone

his dick shrunk back too