Based...... Planned Parenthood?

Based...... Planned Parenthood?

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“So come in to get an abortion so we can sell your baby’s blood and organs for huge profits!”

There's an idea. Let the nigresses sell their unborn children for cash. Niggers would die out in a generation.

>safer to abort blacks because if they grow up they shoot people

Is that what they're saying?

SHHH! Don't mention it. Just let them do it.

Why do so many blacks suffer from diabetes? Did unscrupulous slave masters intentionally breed in genetic defects to make them easier to control?

Planned parenthood founder was a known eugenicist and didnt like black people.


I'm against abortions, but since the overwhelming majority of murdered babies are niggers, I donate a good chunk of money every year to PP

No they get diabetes from eating Cheetos and drinking big red soda that they buy with food stamps.

Civilization creates [Plenty]. Humans as a whole have not adapted to the dangers of [Plenty], this can be seen in diabetes, obesity, and drug abuse.

Human populations with less exposure to civilization will have less adaptation [Plenty], causing these racial disease trends.

Pair of Fresh Js for an abortion

I’m not sure what stats they’re talking about, but I’m all for it.

isn't it like 90% or some shit. that's fucking insane.

>Low IQ
>easily influenced by marketing
>garbage food is cheap and easily available
>low impulse control

They sterilize women who have multiple abortion.

BASED AND REDPILLED. Why are we against planned parenthood again?

They would need to abort a lot fewer if they'd just sterilize them after the first one.

Christcucks will attack this

Yeah, being 300 pounds, diabetic, and having Big Mac sauce for blood will do that to you

Because that nigga gonna kill you!

Who would want those body parts and blood?

safer for everyone else

mostly to hide the numbers

they'd "sterilize" them before the first one if they could

Racist systemic systems.

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"NOOOOOOOO They are killing our future BVLLerinos!!!"

Da white man makes me eat cheetos and drink RC cola. I cant buy meat and veggies at the supermarket.

That was an actual quote some coloured told Jesse Watters on one of his segments.

They should be able to carry out the ashes of their abortion in a KFC bucket with an original biscuit, secret sauce and a side of potato VEDGES

it's a delicious bio-financial weapon, better than max security debtors prisons...

yes, slave masters pumped them full of kool aid and kfc

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>sterilize them and lose their source of fresh baby parts

i love abortion. can you imagine how many niggers there would be right now if it didnt exist? abortion needs to be free for niggers. no wait, pay them 500 bucks to get an abortion and niggers stop existing in 20-30 years when they all die of aids or get killed by other niggers or OD