What is the 2nd most powerful nation on earth?

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1st is Israel

This but replace Israel with China.


You just never know who they're going to attack next.

China ain’t shit, bitch

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South Sudan

it's still us. because the answer is the degenerates in California.

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I think a lot experts underestimate Russia. They’re frequently written off as a just a regional power, but how many regional powers have nuclear arsenals capable of destroying the earth?

1. China
2. Israel
(USA is not a distinct state, it's client state of Israel)

You were right about one thing; they are a regional power.

pakistan has nukes too, are they now on the level of russia?


Shiiiiet, I didn't know we have so many nukes.
They have it less by order of magnitude.


USA, Israel and Saud. These three victimise and gaslight the most powerful which is of course Christianity. Yes that's a fucking nation

Does Pakistan have over 7000 nukes? If so then yes

Russia is the only country that stands a chance against us one on one

Emu nation

It's america, followed by russia and then germany.

>stands a chance
they will collapse just from these oil prices

Chinks easily. Russia is withered and only has nukes.

LOL we all know it's the USA.
>The first is Brazil.

Chink army has never ever won a war.

There are no nations. It’s all run by freemasons. Saddam Hussein and the Bushes are freemasons for example. Stalin was a freemason.

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Quite literally everyone on the planet is angry at China now. With the news that Corona was engineered inorganic vectors and they let it loose they're global niggers


They got their ass wiped from a country 25 times smaller in WWII.

They may be angry, but they can't do shit about it. Everything is manufactured in China.

Kinda true. As far as war is concerned

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Found it weird that this WO 2020 060606 stuff was written in English, then French.
We have an occult devilish role on this planet

This text is
1. So fucking long
2. Bullshit. History of Europe has barbaric invasion too. So what?