My sister who has a political science degree said the stock market crashing is Trumps fault. Is she right?
My sister who has a political science degree said the stock market crashing is Trumps fault. Is she right?
No, Obama's
nice blogpost faggot
Who gives a fuck about the yanklad fuk off boy
If you have to ask
Yes. The huge run was a bubble
post pics of her
Your sister is a dumb whore
Show naked pics of her bruh mmm
>My sister has a political science degree
Tell her I want a BigMac with Fries. ASAP.
You seething at the fact that most women are smarter than most men makes me so happy.
pretty far from correct
sounds like TDS, occurs disproportionately in females especially the ones who spent time at colleges
>my sister who has a political science degree
What's her OnlyFans?
>Is she right
she's a woman offering an opinion on something not a sandwich. she needs to get busy making one and leave the big thinks to the men
>implying trump can control what other billionaire fund and organize
Men and women have about the same average IQ but women have a much thinner bell curve. With very few exceptions the only smart people are men. Women are stuck around 100 IQ which is pretty dumb. You might as well be niggers.
Now tits or gtfo nigger
She’s actually really smart. She graduated from Rotherstein college with a 4.0
Well if her political position is "orange bad" then she mustn't have a lot of common sense or deductive reasoning skills. Therefore she's not the brightest.
Political science retards need to step the fuck off. They do not know a single goddamn thing about economics or the math involved with it.
Your sister understands political policy, vaguely. When she makes a statement about factors in the economy, she has stepped entirely outside of her lane, and needs to shut the fuck up about things she doesnt understand.
> Trump crashed the economy.
> Literally almost every economy in the world is crashing, must be Trump's fault too.
Trump accidentally the world into a thick fog
>my sister who has a political science degree knows about the intricacies of the stock market
My sister also said Trump could have done more to prevent the virus from spreading.
Sounds like she's great at sucking cock
The economy of the past 10 years has been the fed's work.
Anybody that didn't expect a crash is retarded.
The sad thing is corona will take the blame and nobody will learn the right lessons.
he's actually propping it up pretty hard, despite businesses being shut down.
Send her this
> Convenient science denial.
Typical lefty endoctrination.
>My sister who has a political science degree
So she's a Democrat or even more left?
According to her he didn't shut down things soon enough. Ask her. Then trap her with reality.
lmao your sister is an idiot and brainwashed just like everyone else. How come the WHO get a pass for everything they said? Which its his job to differ to the experts and he did. The moment they changed he changed. Not too mention China actively tried to decieve him and the world. How come they get a pass? Im no fan of the guy but blaming him for shit like that is retarded. Also, no he didn't (or isnt the reason) the market crashed. jfc