Niggers are currently seething at the tiktok videos again

Niggers are currently seething at the tiktok videos again

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The white zoomer race war will be fun. Don’t forget only a small minority of whites took America. Once boomers are gone the white youth may just say fuck it.

We're ready, actually most zoomers are ready, they just don't advertise it.

lol normies

These are pretty funny, people need to stop being gay about this

Zoomer here r


Why are white zoomers so racist? Are they actually redpilled?

These tiktok videos look like part of nigger culture. Participate at your own risk.

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will this really help with internet racism?

They’re more unapologetic about racist humor, they’re still lefties tho but nowhere near as bitch made about hurting nigger or chink fee fees

Niggers really are the most fragile, unintelligent creatures on earth.


Top bants guy

tik tok the new window of life???

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>Why are white zoomers so racist? Are they actually redpilled?
The Left never actually won the culture war. They just got people to keep their mouth shut in public and go along with it out of fear.

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Cant wait, bought a machete and some rope.
Gonna go full african on niggers.

im glad niggers are dying of Corona Virus

they are on a power trip thinking they can get vengeance against the white devil. at the end of the day, they will still feel inferior in their hearts. the void will not be filled no matter how many lives they attempt to tarnish.

Do you think cancel culture will ever go away? Honestly this is all so tiring.

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The internet lasts forever and the internet never forgets.

We're likely, or hopefully going to see a mainstream rise of burner/anonymous accounts for shitposting, and personal accounts for 'official' social media. 'finsta' is already a thing.

They live around niggers so they fucking hate them, millenial leftards lived around whitey their entire life so have a fairy tale view on niggers.

No. Many leftists love the idea of completely doxing anyone who disagrees with them.

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Niggers are going to get killed if they keep pushing this.
They don't have the power they think they have.
You're less than 13% of the country, darkie. This isn't a war you can win. The more whites with nothing to lose the better. We can afford to kill you all.


The internet lasts forever and the internet never forgets.
Both of these things are not true btw - She's locked her account.

>internet never forgets.

The internet can't remember what happened 18 hours ago.

A week from now this will all be ancient history.

But things disappear from the Internet all the time

This. Many zoomers are extremely racist but keep it hidden.

Tell that to the biggest database of CP in the planet in the FBI servers.

Who wants to bet that if TikTok went after this type of content (without discriminating), it'd be mainly blacks getting banned for their racism towards whites?

w-what? What is this fucking meme? I am so confused. Please help.

nvm I'm retarded. HAHA disregard that, I suck cocks.

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you would do better with the rope, maga hat and bleach