Reminder that nu/pol/ will defend this kind of orwellian shit
Reminder that nu/pol/ will defend this kind of orwellian shit
>blaming shit on you imagination
Idk who will like this besides stupid shills
Police are pig niggers. Everyone knows they’re tattooed freaks that are the bottom of society.
we need to keep safe gramps from the coof you fuck it's that simple
It's amazing how Yas Forums become boot licking central. Just 5 years ago 99% of the people on this board would be skeptical of the coronavirus stats released by Dr. Shekelstein
>obsequious bootlickers
Way to undermine your ability to look up by following your chosen white people word with the chosen brand word signifying "I'm an absolute fucking idiot"
>these facts and data don't support my worldview so I'll just skim the names of contributors until I find a single -stein or -berg so I can irrationally call the whole thing a jewish trick
The only Jewish trick here is the idea that our rights end where your fear begins. Wrong. And that's worth fighting about.
I think what it is, is redddit and dem organizers seen how well Yas Forums did in getting Trump elected. So, they send a big part of their paid propaganda sector (shills) to Yas Forums and redddit sends its brigade here to control the narrative
They're scared of chinks killing them now lmao
Checked and based
>I have the right to propagate a deadly pandemic that will claim millions of lives and cost trillions of dollars
What has a deadly pandemic got to do with Covid-19?
>be stupid eternal party boomer
>use your PTO/telework to throw shitty boomer cookout parties in your backyard, ignore quarantine
>get ratted out by your neighbors who are sick of your shit anyways
>bitch about liberty
You're ruled by irrational fear resulting from lies. You're weak and should die.
>two more weeks :)
t. user, 5 weeks ago
Puff the magic covid cure
Yeah nothings happened since.
I saw that at the cinema on it's first release. You really need to see it on the big screen.
Cure go brrrr
A lot of miscoding deaths.
>and the fag parade, the chink new year, feminist gathering, and no rent protests doesn't count because I agree with that narratives
rules for you and not I right
That 60% increase in mortality was ...
The same boomer probably would stiml thank the cops who fine him for their service.
Nu/pol/ is shilling for war against the Chinese nation to protect the ambitions of the bastard Jew business called America. Yes, the Jew business that turned Europe into the ethnic suicidal mess you see today.
This place is now full of good goys and CIA shills.
Yeah niggers 99.8% of the population is infection free. The only time it's useful to panic is when stuff isn't happening. If you panic when it's happening you're too late. Always listen to the government, they have our best interests in mind and the media is telling us the unbiased facts unless otherwise proven.
Except only like half of those are attributed to Covid-19 in the UK.
Know what'd be really helpful? Figures about ICU usage. Know what the NHS hasn't been releasing since this started? Figures about ICU usage.
This is the same faggot that says it's worth shutting down hundreds of millions of people's lives to save a few thousand
You should stay home if you're scared faggot
I've been wanting to do some hunting but I haven't been able to get out of the city. My rifles offer their gratitude.
Explain this