This is what happens in real life to racists outside of the Yas Forums hugbox

This is what happens in real life to racists outside of the Yas Forums hugbox

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I'm sure they're are racist now.

You can’t advertise your hatred of niggers. Keep it anonymous like we do. She made the worst mistake of her life.

she was a piece of shit anyway by the sounds of it. fuck her



yeah im not reading that my nigga i dont give a fuck accelerate at this point

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>This is what happens to idiots who don't know how to hide their power level

That's right pussy ass whiteboy hide in fear, this is our country now. Funny how tables have turned, now when you get uppity you face the wrath.

>going to resetera
It's the SJW HQ

Kill yourself.

coming to the west soon

>posting a picture of yourself crying on the internet


Sooner or later people are going to start killing niggers.

Great way to convince people you are correct.
Can’t possibly backfire, correct?

Yeah, shame your kind can't even make it into the college in the first place though lmao

Your entire continent is about to die of starvation.

>posting racist comments under your real name
Do it IRL, anonymously online, or not at all. A very important lesson.

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Turns our real life isn't a safe space where you can just do racist shit without consequence.

Maybe she should have surrounded herself with actual friends instead of faggots and a beta boyfriend

>That's right pussy ass whiteboy hide in fear, this is our country now. Funny how tables have turned, now when you get uppity you face the wrath.

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Onlyfans is thataway, Hon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>this is our country now
>trump president

It's a fucking word. A WORD. The only way you could think this is a proportional punishment is if you hate white people or you're mentally ill.


Really? America seems to be pretty healthy right now? Especially if your a tall fit black man who has no problem getting laid, you mad faggot whiteboy?

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Niggers and jews do racist shit all the time with no consequence

When it's a woman it's always the same reason.

stfu hapa faggot

Bout time white queens speak the fuck up. I'd hire that honest white person tomorrow, it's the ones that pretend everyone is the same that you can't fucking trust.

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>Especially if your a tall fit black man who has no problem getting laid

you can't eat vagi.. nvm

Based and cringe. Zoomers have a bright future when the system collapses in the Caronapocalypse


>this is our country now
I see alot of niggers addicted to crack in my county.

inb4 take your meds

A problem that will go away with the collapse of capitalism and their pet nigger idpol cattle. Tick Tock.

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shoo shoo hapa, your kind don't belong here

Built for Big Black Cock

She only agreed to that vid so her boyfriend would forgive her for getting a train run on her by Tyrone Jamal D'Shawwn Rashaad LeDarius Tyrone's Cousin and Jonathan (the Nigerian exchange student)


You first white knight faggot.

Who cares

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t. cuck larping as a nigger on the internet

rofl at your life

Pretty sure they were racist before too, the only difference now is that they have no future.

You know you're obvious, right? Blacks don't tend to act like this. You are a hapa Jew.

Wait till whites have had enough, Hitler 2.0 happens and nations are cleansed of problems.

our cops are making people do 150 push-ups if caught walking the streets, if they cant.. they go to jail

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they never go for the rapists or the murderers, only if you say the word nigger, sjws deserve to die painfully

Further proof that assimilation has failed and must be reinforced.

Get thee hence towards the gallows.

If she moves out of that shithole she might get better off. I'm making fun of niggers irl

Why do they only ever go after young white women?

No its Pablo's country

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Hey fellow Yas Forumsacks we should post racist videos using our real name's to own this nigger

Hapa boy so mad white girls don't want him that he larps as a black man on Yas Forums day after day.

>implying she did this to herself
>not a mob of angry twitter vigilantes

people like her are dumber than niggers themselves


Check’d. Why must it always be white people? What could the motive possibly be?

Here, nigger. Your fellow nigger says you're gonna lose the race war:

Note that this only happens in western countries. China for example treats blacks infinitely worse, but since their people and government arent cucked into tearing itself apart, they get away with it.

I laugh to think that white are the most shit on for racism but are the least actual racist people by FAR. Not going to lift a finger when Chinese overlords enslave you for the second time because you cant be reasoned with.

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger. How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth? You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan. I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults. Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. You nigger. You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation. You are the Baltimore of South America. Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family. Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

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These racists need to be dealt with. This is a known female Nazi leader.

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She should do blacked

look, jdif, I don't know if you're being intentionally obtuse here but you know as well as I do that ruining somebodys life isn't going to endear them to your cause.

Spics who say nigger are defended by their tribe. Also jews are untouchable even if you say nigger
Racist in nigger means "doesnt obey black" thats all, it doesnt mean someone who disciminates.

Based. Toll status: paid.

is this shopped?

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Fling flong
Fling flong
Fling flong
It’s the phone for you
Lol your sad.

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Beautiful. Racists and fascists should live in constant fear. Their entire existence should be reduced to daily and uncontained terror.

I'm sure blacked would pay her a million for a video.

Wrath via social media lmao, go home.

bullshit. only happens if you care. own that shit and make them defend their nigger love. college doesn't mean shit as far as a future. if your plan is to be in a positionw here someone else can say you are fired you have already failed. nigger love or not. so get fucked nigger. you cannot get me fired or shame me, i am my boss, i have no shame, and while many people consider me their friend i don't have any friends, now what kike? what you gonna do jew turd? kvetch more impotent queer.

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go back

ok larper

I mean maybe eventually. But you're still gonna be threatened into complying for a loooong time.

The age of the rightoid is over, the left has officially gained control of mainstream culture. Rightoids have been exiled from all platforms and where they rear their ugly heads, their lives are literally ruined.
>b-b-but muh election
Boomers have single handedly been maintaining rightoid politics. Once they are gone, there is no more rightoid voters. It will quite literally be a century of leftism in America, starting in about a decade. Get ready



Doxx yourself then


Today we're making niggers?

So he's a cuck and she's impregnated by her black bull?

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She lives in Camden, one of the most dangerous black hellholes in the US so her hatred of blacks is 100% justified. It astonishs me how whites in Camden who obviously get terrorized by blacks constantly there still defend these evil savages.

Not here

Is this real?

nignogs are soft as pudding when they can't sucker punch or outnumber someone

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Yes, jamal. We wuz kangs of welfare fraud.

sure it will chink
canadians are a worthless backwards people who should't exist but by some unholy miracle they do

Lives ruined? They didn’t get to graduate from some high school, who gives a shit trades is better than post communism university. God unplug from the computer theres a whole world out there who doesn’t give a shit about you or what you have done.

If there is any silver lining to all this, it's that. Blacks in the west don't know real oppression. Whites are the oppressed ones, not them.
The system itself supports them and tells them they're victims. The system itself goes to bat for them constantly, but no one is allowed to do that for whites, otherwise they're marked as racist. There aren't even any government programs to help struggling whites, because of the Jews gay ass white privilege narratives. Meanwhile blacks have countless programs geared directly toward them, from education to finance.
All whites ever wanted was to be left alone. China and the Jews want to straight up enslave them.
It will be hilarious to see their faces when the Jews no longer need them to be their battering ram against white people. When there are no longer enough white people to stop them from straight up enslaving or massacring them, then they'll see who their real enemies always were. But by then, it will be too late.
That's why it doesn't phase me when they try to shit on us. They have a worse fate awaiting them.

I was recorded by someone setting me up to a group. Idc I speak of jews to everyone.

Don't listen to this dumbass, listen to me: one public racist slip or outburst, one recorded n-word drop and your entire life can be destroyed and might never recover. So shut the fuck up Yas Forums.

This is what happens when racist tell everybody their opinions you mean?
Free speech is death.
And no no no: Free speech is only free when it has NO consequences. In the 30s sovietunion you could also say anything. This free speech but with consequences thing was always there. You could go in public and say i love Trotzki. It just had consequences like beeing tortured and shot and maybe your family with you. But it was "free speech with consequences"

>Yas Forums
Yeah, once you leave the hugbox, you better not hurt anyones feelings or else

>A fucking leaf

Did you know, though, that they were RESPONDING to a video that a black girl did, about whites? Being created by Jakub, having thing lips, whatever else? IT WAS A RESPONSE! It was counter-vailing 'bantz', except of course it was true.

What are you so happy about? You are gonna die horrendously.

That extremely white woman needs to be beaten in the streets. Keep your eyes peeled for that one black bros.

how convenient my opnion is exactly under this.

Not listening to you. Take your fear porn and fuck off. One small slip? You’re pathetic, and stay the fuck off social media where they breed idiots.

she can make a living saying nigger in tiktok videos, I would subscribe and donate

We should start a company/city that specifically hires "racists".
We'd literally be a spacefaring company within a year.

Every hair on your body is the exact consistency of a pubic hair.


i just confirmed this pics authenticity. Its real bros

She lives in Camden she is probably terrified of still living in that hellhole thats why she wanted to move away to a good college.

too late nigger facebook won't let me play because i yelled nigger too much, sure people try to condemn you for it but at the end of the day it avails them not. when people need your service your opinion will not truly stop them from using it, but i have told plenty who tried that virtual signal shit nah can't get to you this month booked up and let them suffer. so suck on this uh won thyme cucklet.