If you dont lift weights you cant be right wing.
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based and factual
Yes, goy, waste all your energy mindlessly lugging metal plates around like the golem you are instead of making the world a better place for you and your people!
i carry the weight of th world on my shouldrs and carry my family at the same time, i also carry a lot of favour in my community.
weak cuck
Good writer but too many of his books just reek with homosexuality.
So is mental illness. Great bod op, you're 1 in a million.
He overcame his homosexuality from abuse as a child with weightlifting and Japanese imperialism. So weightlifting and national socialism is the only cure for young white to overcome constant emasculation.
The extravagant emphasis laid on purely intellectual education and the
consequent neglect of physical training must necessarily lead to sexual thoughts
in early youth. Those boys whose constitutions have been trained and hardened by
sports and gymnastics are less prone to sexual indulgence than those stay-at-homes
who have been fed exclusively with mental pabulum. - AH
Body weight exercise is superior to decadent weight training. In fact, doing physical labor for gainful employment is superior to lifting. You are wasting money on gym memberships. The final redpill with fitness is to just run, do body weight exercises and except that your body will never look your definition of perfect.
Okay but I do manual labor. While I lift weights, I'm also being productive in growing food for me and my family. Just lugging around weights is useless. You're supposed to have a strong body because that is your life, not because you go make a strong body for a few hours a week. Go lift some logs, cut some firewood, and make a field for the coming summer.
Sam Francis is one of the greatest conservative thinkers ever and he was 400 pounds
>Can't be right wing,if you're weak
I agree, it goes against being right wing to its core
Don't go to the gym, work out from home.
>Get a bench
>Get a few weights [cattle bells to,20lb at least]
>Go to Yas Forums find good diets
No need to turn fitness into your center, If you work out to keep fit,above average/natural strength. Than you're good.
Don't spend to much time working out, A lot of those built chads,aren't doing much because they're constantly tracking their body and hitting weights,rather than being happy with being ripped, and focusing on other things.
>Cut out the gym jew
>Get ripped [enough]
>Sustain it
>Move on with more tasks
just reduce watching cartoons with your wifes boysfriend to once or twice a week and you will have more than enough free time to improve your body (and mind along the way).
in fact there is not a single person in a non shithole country that doesn´t have time to improve himself by daily exercise
Based Mishima.
The best motivation to lift is to look at an average leftist soiboi. You don't want to look like that.
sup weak fragile pale jew
Id throw in whole body exercises with a kettlebell too
Started lifting weights last year,
Have the shoulders of a 90yo now,
They are bigger an more muscled but i can hardly move them without pain anymore
You gotta be kidding. He wanted to seduce more dudes. He also had an inferiority complex (just like most fags) so he worked on his (surprise surprise) looks. Many, many of his most notable characters are faggy weaklings too ("Confessions of a mask", "The temple of the golden pavilion"). But when Mishima's body started to deteriorate (around 40) he decided to kill himself because the queen inside of him wouldn't stand the humiliation of not being cute and attractive anymore. The nationalistic BS started to appear way later in his literature and had more to do with narcissistic impulses than anything else.
id rather spend time raising my 3 kids than masturbating over myself in the mirror.
I work out sometimes, but not a lot lately. still, i can bench about 80kg, squat about 100kg slav style and can deadlift 140kg.
I think I'll be ok, im in great shape, my work requires heavy lifting.
but sure, I'm a cuck, thats cool.
>I do manual labor and am in decent enough physical shape because of it
>But because I don't lift a certain type of metal I'm a leftist
Fuck you.
exactly, these faggots actually have time to go to a gym and preen over themselves several hours a day.
Its almost guaranteed that they have the softest hands imaginable and are virtually paralyzed without modern conveniences.
I hurt one of my shoulders from going too heavy on OHP but what you're describing sounds like an underlying condition. You should see a doctor about it.
Unless you're just a shill encouraging huwites not to lift.
>If you dont lift weights you cant be right wing.
You see, when you are lifting weights, blood circulation increases in the right side of the brain, which is responsible for coordination and impulsive urges and of course emotions, leaving the left side, which is responsible for your language abilities, reading, writing, memory and in general for your logical thinking, with the lacks the necessary nutrition and over time it begins to degrade. So if you want to become even more dumber than you already are (being the mutt I mean), then go ahead.
Based and agreed
Say that again.
Used to lift weights but all it did was make me think I could fight just because I had muscles. I stopped for BJJ.
I'm building a diy squat rack and concrete weights
Yes, its from going too heavy ohp but if i go lighter it still hurts ,
i think i fucked up my rotator cuff
what if I have a physical tradie type job? does that count as lifting?
But is it both shoulders? Lay off OHP for a while and do high rep (20-30) of front raises, side raises and rear delt flys/band pull-aparts. Also do a good shoulder warm-up, including pic related.
I use a resistance band for all of these, though I do OHP once a week too. I find the band much easier on my shoulder.
There's nothing scarier to a Jew than strong whites
Yeah but he's also dead.
If only Jared Taylor had shown him the benefits of quitting smoking and pumping iron he might still be with us.
based and fagpilled