(fake ventilator shortage, fake bodies, fake labeling etc.)
calling out the hoax from inside the heart of a covid hospital
ICU Doctor blows the whistle on Covid Hoax#2
Other urls found in this thread:
interview with honest trauma center worker in Brooklyn
Health Worker Says EVERYONE Who Dies Has "Corona Virus" on their Death Certificate, everyone who ends up having anything has coronavirus on thier death certificate..."
It was meh, not informative and shit we already knew. I want to see the fake dummy bodies, damn it.
Is this an autistic chiropractor again or just a CNA turd cleaner hiding out in a loading dock?
>corona virus dont real durrrr
Go lick doorknobs then idiot.
its not that kind of fake. they mean the over reaction is fake just to take power and get bailouts and instigate id tags on people and track them using techonolgy
Dr Ron Daniels on the lack of Sepsis and Corona not being a death sentence that should prevent people from getting help for serious issues.
Η θνησιμοτητα ειναι ακομη πιο λιγη απο 0.5%
Εχεις δει το βιντεο του Δρ. Ιωαννιδη που ανακοινωνει τα αποτελεσματα μιας ερευνας για αντισωματα που εκαναν στην Σαντα Κλαρα;
"We estimate that the IFR for COVID-19 is roughly in the same ballpark as seasonal influenza"
>where's Antifa while this is happening?
>where's BLM while this is happening
who do you think is going to the emergency rooms claiming they have a weird cough?
bump. This needs to spread.
Two pics I saved you can find the video on yt if it hasn't been shoa'ed yet
The other one
Why are you shills so scared of people saying that this is a hoax?
I feel this is more important.
or that germany started as well as
because large corporations like that also don't trust the WHO or the governments anymore.
>50-85 times more people infected than diagnosed and already healthy again
other similar preliminary studies come to even worse conclusions
but 3k or 5k vs 800k is gonna be a difference (sample size)
Yeah wear that mask to hide your nose kike
they're activated almonds
I mean triggered goylems
they feel this is the right thing and they can't understand how people can be dumb enough to not trust the narrative they trust
or waste time investigating it
they're trying to save the world and they feel good about it
googling for it in german I notice that there's a lot of opposition to doing what these people do (checking how many people already have antibodies)
>Koordiniert werden soll die Studie von dem Epidemiologen Gérard Krause vom Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung in Braunschweig, beteiligt sind außerdem das Deutsche Zentrum für Infektionsforschung, die Blutspendedienste, die NAKO Gesundheitsstudie, das Robert Koch-Institut und das Institut für Virologie der Berliner Charité.
But in Germany it seems to be a really big test, still probably falling short of what barrick is going to do with it's 800.000 tests.
>what are bacteria and other viruse
it's a minor case of some bullshit being used to cover for global power plays
Anyone still buying into this shit is an idiot. You were supposed to figure out that the tv lies all day and you were supposed to figure it out years ago.
Looks pretty fake to me
Why don't we all get a good nights sleep to clear our heads and investigate in the morning
this. it's not that they don't know anything, it's that everything they know is wrong.
it was always the case that lockdown was to spread out ICU admissions
viruses and germs do not exist
Link if this gets 404d
I wish we didn't have a system that incentivized lying for profit.
And people who were less corrupt, so they wouldn't take every opportunity for profit.
Okay so what, we keep the lockdowns until herd immunity is achieved? Because the moment you open up your cases will soar up again. Lockdown is only useful for gathering data and increasing hospital capacity
how this incentive in free agents can be manipulated to rig an election