There's supposed to be 1,000 units of this junk... Imagine being cut off from viewing the stars for the internet... something our ancestors have viewed mostly untouched for hundreds of thousands of years in wonder.
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Because most people live places where they already are cut off. They think "durr hurr I can't see the stars anyway so why do I care if people but garbage up there?"
Satellites are already a huge pan in the ass for astronomic observation.
Satellites don’t have lights on them
>he's mad about fake stars but he doesn't realize the current stars are fake too
lmaoing at your bluepilled life
They reflect light under certain circumstances.
>It's just Starlink dummy, go back to watching cartoons
It's okay when Elon Musk does it.
Starlink sats are tiny compared to some of the other shit up there, why is it that they glow so brightly yet other satellites are fairly dull and fade from view quickly?
Yep, and the shit speeding around the moon a few weeks ago was just a Russian satellite going mach 900
So how come we can supposedly see them at night
What the fuck am I looking at here?
This is a show of force that even if you don’t want 5G they are going to beam it down from space to you.
You can ever get off this ride.
This... tells me nothing. And it's for ants.
I've seen this over Burlington, Vermont and jet fighters were scrambled shortly after they appeared from the base in town. I had to go back to work so I didnt watch the whole thing.
You can only see them after dust or before dawn, not it the middle of the night.
there is ghosting at the end frames which is pretty wierd and easy to create lol
They are just temporary(lasting for about 10 years) for the coming 3rd world war. The US Military is overreliant on Satellites, so they launch 40k satellites in near orbit space under the agenda for "worldwide internet" so they can maintain Space superiority in a war against China.
whats dis
It still doesn't tell me what is though
kessler syndrome, ohhh yeaaaah, we will be stuck on this planet for a very long time.
Just so you know all the Strong women bullshit programming is in place because we need the man&womanpower in a war against 1.5 Billion chinks + it could also mean many men will die and women have to rise their children alone, thus have tobe strong women
no they are in low earth orbit, they'll only last 10 years, and even if they break down they'll burn up in the athmosphere after 10 years. So basically making spacetravel&probabl attacks on more curcial space infrastructure impossible for 10 years due to a debreeshield.
Dude light pollution is already a thing i have never in my life seen a bunch of stars in the sky.
ive had dreams about this, but they took place at night. huge swarms of little dots
Take a look around and honestly tell me that we should be shooting humans into the cosmos.
gosh how irritating
This post gave me chills
> balls of fiery gas an inconceivable distance away, which we will never reach, and if we wanted to examine better we would use a space based platform anyway
> manmade objects in the heavens linking the human race and bringing them altogether
Yassss glowy balls gud
very possibly editeg footage to spook the halfwits on fb conspiracy groups.
One day my boss started talking about reptilians and how they disguise themselves as the english royal family and they rule everything sercretly and blah blah.
The problem is, at this point anything is possible, because every gov around the globe proved they just cant be trusted, not even with 10 penny. Still I prefer more "realistic conspiracies", like groups of elite super rich billionares rigging the whole global economy for whatever reason. Maybe they will leave earth on giant spacecraft and rule over the working class from the skies. Or maybe they know we already fucked so they collect every reasource they can before the gr8 shitstorm and then live like kings in thier undergrounds palaces or cities or fuck knows what.
wedding balloons
must fucking suck big dick not being able to see the night sky
t. northerner
yes we should. that should be the only goal of humanity atm. That and medicine. Realistically? You right we have bigger problems and that money has better places but probably 99% of money spent by the gov is spent on bs.
With automatization we just created a world where human labour and human misery could be just vanished in no time, yet they are here because they are very profitable.
cool thx for the chillls
I literally can't see a single star right now.
Only 15 years ago i could see a bunch of stars and constelations from my town even during late in the day when the sun was still somewhat on the sky but righr now i can see a single fucking star at any time.
i agree this tesla feces smeared across the sky is bull shit.