times you were a chad
Times you were a chad
>imagine protesting the government and pleading to them to let you work
>staged shit
>establishment porno pet actor faggot
>faggot is wearing pants tighter than any high school girl
>implying this righty gay establishment "Chad" faggotry doctrine is some ultimate goal
Fuck off with your right wing establishment gay habits ogling men you degenerate righty porno faggot
>be me.
>get jumped by anarcho veganpunx
>beat the shit out of one of them while the other two are kicking and punching me on the floor
>don't let the guy up and just keep pummeling him
>they run away and I have almost no damage done to me
Ever since that night I became a grug always craving the next fight
wow...calm down, you're going to burst a capillary.
I always give foreigners a hard look of disgust.
They should not feel welcome here.
>Mention female coworkers boyfriend
>"He's not my boyfriend!"
>So you're fuck buddies?
>She looks down at the floor. "Yes.."
>"That's gross"
>walk away
Her eyes were red next time I saw her. Probably cried.
Lol fucking cia faggot glow harder
All the time
but at least he's got all that tacticool look tho he's ready to fight for shekelsberg right to enslave him and his family anyday
they call it freedom nowadays
>hard look of disgust
doesn't sound scary in the slightest
This thread isn’t about Jews
Looks fat and gay.
>Protesting to wage cuck
Top goy
Imagine the chaos if someone in that crowd opened fire.
I saved enough to take a few months off, and will go back to work when I'm good and fucking ready. I'm having a great time being a NEET, and getting the sleep I need. You guys can chad if you want.
man I wish they let us LARP with long rifles in Canadian minecraft
>be 11 y/o me
>share room with lil bro
>bunk beds and I get top bunk
>one night mom is laying with little bro so he can fall asleep
>need to coom
>start fapping real still
>mom tells me to stop shaking the bed
>wait 5 minutes and start again
>mom asks what I'm doing
>say nothing and keep fapping
i knocked a kid out in highschool
posing with a gun isn't chad, it's weak
You're just posturing like a faggot while they continue to dilute and destroy your country. You're larping.
>be sparkyfag
>have fat dyke start at work, can barely get into the bucket on truck
>complaining on day one, full blown feminist 40 something empty egg carton
>say to her "Well, beats sucking dick in the unemployment line, dont it?"
>whole staff of boomers jaws drop, "Jesus, user, you're going to get fired for saying shit like that"
>Didnt give a fuck, still working there, nobody likes fat bitch
>Riding around wearing a mask and holding a shotgun
>with a sign that says "Get back to work."
Kill yourself.
Not much of a chad move, really, but the only one here that actually happened, and could probably help someone out
>working in Panda Express
>i’m the creepy-kid-who-sits-in-the-corner-alone type so my coworkers would tease me a lot
>washing dishes. new girl walks by and teases me saying something like “jeez, user, you’re taking up all the space”
>i tease her back and say “well get out of my way” in a monotone voice but still teasing her back
>she laughs and goes along her way
>from that point on she started chatting with me even more. ranting about her life and stupid shit that I didn’t really care about.
>one time she even timed her break so she could eat with me
>i’m an autist and not really interested right now but I try not to be an asshole so I just maintained eye contact and nodded every five seconds
>eventually I quit the job because college was a bitch. the others were a bit disappointed because they apparently liked me for some reason
>two weeks notice passes and I finally quit and forget about that band of annoying faggots
I’m convinced my talking back to her magically made her friendlier. I’ll never understand women
>12 ga shotgun
>no hearing protection
Gonna be a deaf chad if you fire it.
They know whats up and report it in meetings with refugee assitants.
I am glad i am a 6.7 wide shouldered guy.
Also what else should i do that doesnt get me locked up or killed?
>Shotgun with shitty spray painted finish
>Adjustable stock on shitty shotgun
>Walmart body armor
>Faggot shit on to show where to shoot not covered by FUBAR body armor
>Tactical cheap sneakers, which would fall apart walking one mile
>Hat turned backward, like nigger... no taticool helmet.
>Big fat ass about to break pants seems
>Riding in a former military truck... taticool
The LARPers really are a joke. This fat faggot would last 10 seconds in a firefight.
Did I mention the roses? Complete butt licking faggot.
I slept with 2 sisters on the same night
You're convinced being rude/mean to her is what made her like you more? Wow not exactly a revelation that girls like being treated bad is it