The real redpill is that once you have a certain amount of money, America becomes a completely socialist state...

The real redpill is that once you have a certain amount of money, America becomes a completely socialist state, free of any self accountability for you. Below that threshold, it's rugged individualism and bootstraps. The elite effectively live on another planet from you.

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Yeah so work hard and maybe you can join them you gay faggot pepe posting anime girl rape pedo loli lover

>Yeah so work hard and maybe you can join them
>he thinks this is how it works


>Work hard, get paid, save money
>Start a business
>Trade stocks
>Work harder
>Get loans
>Build up

I have affluenza. plebs.

What a fucking faggot.

>Yeah so work hard and maybe you can join them
You wish. You don't join the elites - you marry into one of the elite families. Else, it's just a bunch of faggots playing musical chairs.

>t. boomer

keep trying pleb lolol

huh if only someone’s been preaching that since the beginning

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>The elite effectively live on another planet from you.
Can I introduce you to the Jesus Christ? Sometimes we reach down and pull up. We prefer the ones who join hands like a barrel of monkeys.

pic related:

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Those loans you take out to start up your little business are financing schlomo and goldblatt to rape teenies in hollywood.

fucking hilarious. the genuine disconnection.

Learn how to burn your business profits with this simple trick.


you niggers can talk shit about capitalism all you want but you can't deny that it's gotten billions of people out of poverty

>You can just "join" the elite
Not even becoming a billionaire can get you in the club. (Cute you think you can by the way.)

Even Trump NOW, as president doesn't have HALF the power of a Rothchild.

>you can't deny that it's gotten billions of people out of poverty
But did bringing people out of poverty really help in the natural selection of human beings? Or did it dilute the gene pool?

This. The best example is Jordan Peterson. He sold his soul when he was still a child and became a kike shill and it wasn't until he married a Jew that he was accepted into their circles and initiated into the occult. The reason is simple: all of his children are Jews now so he has skin in the game. You can only become elite if you throw your genes into the trash and mix with demonic rat kikes.

If you do this you might become a millionaire. A millionaire won't get to elite status.

There is $32 TRILLION hidden in offshore accounts. The journalist who unveiled this was murdered in a car bomb.

I never mentioned capitalism. We aren't in a capitalist nation. This is serfdom at BEST. There are about 80-120 men who are basically gods. Trillionaires with stores of wealth you cannot imagine.

If you're ready, look into the Panama Papers and what happened to the person who blew the whistle.
Warning: This is a DEEP rabbit hole.

Neither--it evolved the fiefdoms and the serfs today just don't realize they're still serfs.

We have fascism that exploded into totalitarianism around WWII when the Federal Reserve took over power of our country. Thinking what we have today is anything but a highly controlled, and fake, economy is a hallmark of the times--more people are economically illiterate than aren't.

Ok boomer
Bet you paid your college tuition working 35 hours over the summer at Neil’s tire barn, hamburger stand, and record store.
Then wandered the country doing drugs and sticking it to “the man” and woke up from an acid trip and walked into a career job with a pension.

>Federal Reserve
Getting warmer but you have to understand that even it answers to a global institution that no one breaths the name of.

Literally EVERYTHING in your life is handed to you behind the scenes as they see fit.

Ignore boomers, their greed will end with them dying alone while being abused in nursing homes because they fucked their children. Their last seconds will be spent filled with nothing but regret and fear of their punishment.

>-it evolved the fiefdoms and the serfs today just don't realize they're still serfs.
Then capitalism didn't really change anything other than give us more fancy toys.
>more people are economically illiterate than aren't.
That's been true throughout history. I'm pretty sure the elites released the internet on to the world knowing that majority of the population are just faggots and cucks who don't really have a desire to learn - but will parrot anything they read online or on the news.

Master stroke. They got surveillance while people continued to be retarded.

You are weak.

Literally true for any society though.

>that no one breaths the name of.
Then perhaps it doesn't exist - and it's just smoke and mirrors. Perhaps it's just a bunch of corporate faggots at the top running the world like emperors and kings.

Chasing shekels is a meaningless existence.

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You’re almost there but not quite, you need to go further. America has been a communist dictatorship since 1913,

How can you been a free market, capitalist republic when you hand over your currency to a literal conglomerate of foreign bankers.

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>all of these commies ITT who are allergic to self sufficency and accountability
If your IQ is above 90 it’s not even hard to get yourself to be solidly upper middle class

You missed the point. We don't have capitalism.
I simply outlined the current scam and current day timeline for the kickoff of the gold-grab and economy raping that started anew in the 50s.

How decisions are made and enforced is fukary beyond what I'm interested in exposing. Their power is an illusion--they are slaves to their own paranoia and greed.

>Perhaps it's just a bunch of corporate faggots at the top running the world like emperors and kings.
It's that group that I'm talking about. I should say it doesnt REALLY have a name.

Be careful with using the term Communist, because it has been twisted to mean "thing I don't like". We are in the opposite extreme of workers owning production. They owe their souls and bodies to production. But you're right, we are run by forigners. We are already a globalist nation and borders don't really matter, the kings of the world are MOSTLY allied at this point, so location is meaningless

Oy vey!

But yeah you need about $10 million. Most middle class people can hope to get is about $1 million when they're old. Medical costs, inflation, taxes and dividing amongst children squanders it.

I'll have everything but the loans.
Only loan I'll ever take is for buying a house.

>Get loans
i wonder who could be behind this post

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