/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3352 - A.K.A Chinese Virus

► Detected: 2,475,440 (+68,865) ► Died: 170,069 (+5,038) ► Day: 102 (-03:07:44)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 9.2x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 4,558 strains have been sequenced —


Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

At least 6 people have dropped dead in the streets of Tokyo

Protests against lockdowns in Brazil

Most "asymptomatic" cases actually have glassed lungs

Protests against lockdowns in the US

Survivors will need rehabilitation due to neuromuscular damage

5 year old kid dies in Britain

Due to reinfections, South Korea now tracks "recovered" patients

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

Infected in India only discovered post-mortem

UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals

Most deaths go unreported, Italian mayor says

Mortality rate in Ecuador province multiplied 7-fold in two weeks

4,268 new cases and 44 new deaths in Russia
163 new cases and 1 new death in Israel
68 new cases and 10 new deaths in Hungary
261 new cases and 10 new deaths in Ukraine
87 new cases and 48 new deaths in Italy
764 new cases and 36 new deaths in Mexico


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Other urls found in this thread:


>google "legendary super spreader"
>second result is Bonloraso

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fuck niggers

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Hey, remember YOU are important! So take care of yourself! Don't take any silly risks!

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>Why The Technological System will Destroy Itself

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oil is worth what now sir?

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you can tell the virus is slowing down by the number of offposts

open by may ezpz

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So will all move alway from oil after the crash?

Guys, I don't want the thousand years of darkness to be real
I never got to contribute anything of value to the world

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So I slept on /cvg/ for a few days (sorry but the threads were getting boring) and now I'm reading about leaked Chinese emails. Exactly what the fuck happened and when?

Also the hazmat update looks nice desu

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On the contrary; You should be happy to not be exploited by such a terrible system anymore.


Wuhan is still dead


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#1 United States 789,383 (42,303) #2 Spain 200,210 (20,852) #3 Italy 181,228 (24,114) #4 France 155,383 (20,265) #5 Germany 146,777 (4,802) #6 United Kingdom 124,743 (16,509) #7 Turkey 90,980 (2,140) #8 Iran 83,505 (5,209) #9 China 82,747 (4,632) #10 Russia 47,121 (405) #11 Brazil 40,581 (2,575) #12 Belgium 39,983 (5,828) #13 Canada 36,670 (1,680) #14 Netherlands 33,405 (3,751) #15 Switzerland 27,944 (1,429) #16 Portugal 20,863 (735) #17 India 18,539 (592) #18 Peru 16,325 (445) #19 Ireland 15,652 (687) #20 Austria 14,795 (470) #21 Sweden 14,777 (1,580) #22 Israel 13,713 (177) #23 Japan 10,797 (236) #24 South Korea 10,674 (236) #25 Chile 10,507 (139) #26 Saudi Arabia 10,484 (103) #27 Ecuador 10,128 (507) #28 Poland 9,593 (380) #29 Romania 8,936 (478) #30 Pakistan 8,418 (176) #31 Mexico 8,261 (686) #32 Singapore 8,014 (11) #33 Denmark 7,515 (364) #34 United Arab Emirates 7,265 (43) #35 Norway 7,156 (181)…

#1 United States +24,747 (+1,728) #2 United Kingdom +4,676 (+449) #3 Turkey +4,674 (+123) #4 Russia +4,268 (+44) #5 France +2,489 (+547) #6 Italy +2,256 (+454) #7 Brazil +1,927 (+113) #8 Canada +1,614 (+93) #9 Spain +1,536 (+399) #10 Belgium +1,487 (+145) #11 Belarus +1,485 (+4) #12 Iran +1,294 (+91) #13 Saudi Arabia +1,122 (+6) #14 Germany +1,035 (+160) #15 India +924 (+33) #16 Mexico +764 (+36) #17 Netherlands +750 (+67) #18 Peru +697 (+45) #19 Ecuador +660 (+33) #20 Portugal +657 (+21) #21 Qatar +567 (+1) #22 Bangladesh +492 (+10) #23 United Arab Emirates +484 (+2) #24 Chile +419 (+6) #25 Ireland +401 (+77) #26 Sweden +392 (+40) #27 Serbia +312 (+3) #28 Poland +306 (+20) #29 Dominican Republic +284 (+9) #30 Ukraine +261 (+10) #31 Israel +222 (+5) #32 Switzerland +204 (+36) #33 Philippines +200 (+19) #34 Panama +194 (+6) #35 Morocco +191 (+2)…

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Is Brasil rip?

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What is your purpose? What if society collapses and they try and kill you and us? What now Mr. Booper?

I think we can agree that the time has come to #ENDTHELOCKDOWN, don't you think, user?

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i still think trump has done/would've done a better job than clinton

Bridge is full of cars

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But at what cost? Will there be a future for our children?

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You contributed your life and influence on your surroundings. You contributed your love and feelings. You contributed your happiness and desires, even if entirely internal.
Don't be afraid, user. You are free and this is your playground. Soon, everything will return to nothing. When this nothingness comes, smile and say why so long?

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You contributed plenty, user. It's time for us to rest.

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>A bioweapon to make us all 'groids
Like poetry.

>city of 11 million
>full of cars
no, no it isn't

just make your own thread about it already

I just want to play shadowlands before the end of the world.

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>Yas Forums suddenly thinks this thing is a hoax and is reversing its opinion

wtf happened bros?

I know you won't die because you're not taking silly risks! And if I die... I'll still boop you from beyond the grave!

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>I think the authors of the above-linked paper owe us all an apology. We wasted time and effort discussing this paper whose main selling point was some numbers that were essentially the product of a statistical error.
Read the whole thing their paper is shit

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I still have to laugh when i see those niggers.
You couldn't make this shit up.

literally noone thinks that

My god Trump is a fucking retard

>”a family lost a person because your supporters are retards and took medical advice from you in March”
>”I think we’re going to win in a landslide and no one was taking this more seriously than me cuz muh China ban”

How can anyone support this niggerbrained fool.

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Open up the economy cucks! Let death claim those it must and move on. The old and weak must perish


>been having difficulty breathing for a week now
>severity varies over time
>got a checkup, doc didn't hear anything on my lungs, can still hold my breath for a minute and a half, oxygen saturation at 99%, very little coughing
>neighbor has covid-19

Should I be worried? Should I get a CT scan? I can mostly go about my day normally but it's deeply uncomfortable. I got a blood test and a coronavirus test prescribed by my doc which I'll be getting tomorrow morning, but I'm still a little concerned.

Your quads have spoken, so yeah. I would reckon so

Keep going

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Your opinion and views are very shallow.
You are one of those people that easily get taken in by words alone, aren't you?