I mean she's not wrong. Women are most likely to get killed by men, so are men. Men do most of the killing.
Still sageing though
*most likely to get killed by niggers
Men are subhuman, only XX is human.
Could say the same about niggers
>Bitch Virgin
sounds about right
No you can’t fucking racist, black woman suffer at the hands of MEN just like all other woman
Gender is a much more statistically significant risk factor than race when determining if you're dealing with a rapist.
I've never committed a crime and women don't like me
Does she understand welfare stats because without men they would starve.
Women are too pussy to enact violence upon anyone. Women are fags.
yes, the horrible epidemic of abuse in wmbf relationships must be stopped
Despite being 51% of all humans, women get the special treatment, minority treatment
they're raised into it and beta cucks tell them they're smart and funny and all sorts of other shit
all of this is a recipe to create a terrible personality
women are parasitic, manipulative garbage with a lower neuron density and brain volume on the average when compared to males
evolution has not been kind to women, because so many men choose based on the female's superficial appearance only
in the future with realistic sex dolls and greatly improved transexual males, combined with artificial womb tanks. There will literally be no need for women, and women will have a hard time surviving, because evolution has not prepared them for that, evolution has not prepared them for serious competition in the sexual market/ They only survive now due to a monopoly.
That may or may not have to deal with the small factor of SEXUAL DICHOTOMY.
>*Olympic javelin-throws pussy at the guys raising that statistic*
>*lets non-violent guys watch her dildo herself for $30/month, $60/month gets them sexting and $90 gets weekly video calls*
>ay yo why men like my baby daddy so violent baka
Based incel
Go on spacecowboy
Woman are human, males are animals
All men are pigs
You hate woman because you’re jealous, woman create life, men can only destroy it
I'm not an incel, it's pretty easy to get sex from guys, doofus
Can I touch your butt?
bait and larping
you're not having a serious conversation, you're playing a role and being disingenuous
you're not out to have an argument in good-faith
kek, ventured out of /ptg/ I see
you're always in threads about women or trans
probably, I have a really big soft spot for anons here, on Yas Forums, especially on Yas Forums
>Written on a computer invented by men
Woman are the only people with the ability to create humans, men are just sperm Donors, nothing more. Stay mad incel.
fuck you tranny
Men is the creator of everything.
Women is the wet hole that you can't trust.
Shut. Up. Incel.
Woman are the creators of all life. Males are for our entertainment (the attractive ones) nothing more
Cope harder
this is because men do most everything.
OP is still a stupid cunt though
>keeps trying to bait me even though he knows i know he's baiting
>knows I mentioned artificial womb tanks
you can create a human egg from just about any other cell, even a skin cell, thats how "important" females(female) are
Literally just a parasite masquerading as a human
Is that what you tell your spoiled eggs?
You have never and will never create life.
Black women commit more murder than white men