Is having platonic female friends ok?

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Honestly, it's fine. Why wouldn't it be?

of course it is incel


Ones you aren't attracted to.

Men an women cannot be friends, would you be fine with your gf or wife hanging out with her male friends?

I know it doesn't work if you are attracted to this women. Its like trying to be friends with your boss, it just doesn't work out, ever.

You either hit that or move on.

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no dont be retarded

As long as you're fucking em


My friend’s GF thinks I’m friends with her. I’d rather not be.

>Post here again please!

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It’s unnatural.

As long as the blow jobs are passable.

If you're not simping about hoping for a piece, nothing wrong with it. There is the occasional woman that has something interesting to say.



No. Take a based niggers word for it.

No, and neither is starting this same thread multiple times a day.

no unless you genuinely like them and they're interesting to be around

In other words, no

haha, glad to know we have spotters in the gallery!

Look another thread for the simps to come in simpin.

I agree. I work with a girl whose boyfriend is really into conspiracy theories and stuff, so she is up to date with pizzagate and all that jazz. It's better than 99% of the conversations you can have with women.

Nothing wrong with it, but sometimes it's not really worth the drama they cause.

Don't lie, you just wanna fuck but you can't get it, so you are making sure it's okay to not fuck and just be friends.

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Not outside a social meeting, otherwise it's office faggot shit.
What are you gonna do with them? Cook and gossip with them at Starbucks?

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Nothing evil with it. But it's a total waste of your time, and any man who is "friends" with a woman has some kind of ulterior motive for being her friend.
Maybe he wants to sleep with her.
Maybe he wants to sleep with her friend(s) and is using her to get close.

No guy (yes, not even gay fags) is ever interested in being friends with a chick for purely platonic reasons.

I really don't get this mindset. It's not that hard to get laid. The number of people who you can interact with in a meaningful way is too limited to discriminate by sex.

Yes, it's rarer with women, but they do exist.

if you knew anything about women you would know whether its ok or not without having to ask.

As someone that easily obtains female friends, no. They're fucking terrible.

>Girls become your friend because they have a crush on them
>Pump and dump them
>They stick around because they have nothing better going on in their shitty lives and sabotage things
>Girl you're mildly interested in, but not actively pursuing
>Eventually you'll either hookup and the relationship rapidly looses appeal, or they'll ghost you one day when they have something better
>Girl that you want a relationship with, and they don't really care
>You're pretty much a clown for them, and you should really drop the relationship as soon as possible

And these are glossing over details that are annoying.

fucking simp

I only talk to women I want to have sex with

>They have a crush on you

Not one of your instances is Platonic. Female friends that end up being annoying are easily discarded or ignored.

I've had female friends before. Zero sexual attraction on my part, but every single time they either develop feelings for me or they project and say "I think user likes me" then 2 weeks later "Why isn't user talking to me anymore?
Never once had a friendship or even a strong acquaintance with where she did not get too close.

You are fucking her or you are her girlfriend

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This 100%.
I had an idle acquaintance I would casually talk about my love interests; later to find out she was sabotaging my efforts.

Why do fat bitches not think they're obvious.

im not fat you jerk

Only if you keep a healthy distance, unlike men who try to fix their shit women will always want a shoulder to cry on and never actually own it up.
t. used to be the shoulder for used goods