Why is the MSM ignoring the tarra reed story?

why is the MSM ignoring the tarra reed story?

Attached: TaraReade.png (944x982, 757.94K)

should be obvious
its because its a claim against their plant


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Indelible in the hippocampus


It's a claim against their candidate. Why even make this thread? You already know the fucking answer.

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>why is the MSM ignoring the tarra reed story?
because Biden is a Democrat.

Because they don't actually want to protect women or combat the patriarchy like they say they do. They're just bunch of elites using vulnerable people to manipulate and get themselves power.

If Kavanaugh was a Democrat the MSM would have defended him. And if Biden was a Republican the MSM would be attacking him. Feminists don't really give a shit about sexual assault, or women. They're Marxists who just use the issue as a convenient false narrative to slander their political opponents.


pic related

Attached: fgsdfghsdf.png (402x684, 584.49K)

Please note that this is a fake picture. You cannot find this story by this author.

Not guilty because Democrat

>If Kavanaugh was a Democrat the MSM would have defended him


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...or, I know this'll be hard for you to follow, maybe they did look into it and realized it's not true.

artificial and homosexual

>why is the MSM ignoring the tarra reed story?

They ignored the literally dozens of allegations against Donald Trump. Does that bother you, too?

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>Bullshit sex abuse claims are fine if it's the other side getting accused.
Get a grip Yas Forums, it's clearly some fat slut who wants some attention and a payoff.


I guess they just don't believe women.

The Brett Kavanuagh thing wasn't true and bitch got a reward. Show your flag

Groping is Caring. Ride with Biden.

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How do people still not get it
>republican bad, every claim against republican is strong woman telling truth and brave and strong
>democrat good, every claim against democrat is false republican/russian conspiracy

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I cant wait for Trump to invite this very honorable and brave woman to the debates and have her sit front and center.

>invite this very honorable and brave woman to the debates
he's not going to do that

Someone's getting billed tonight

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>He likes girls without any hair on they privates
The absolute state...


The (D) in front of your name gets the media to run cover for you. They give you softball interviews and hold your hand through them.