Someone actually gave this fair representation

In a shocking essay for Harvard Magazine, a professor of law and director of Harvard Law School’s child advocacy legal clinic, claims homeschooling is a threat to children’s rights, a method of promoting white supremacy, and a drain on democratic society — and even goes so far as to suggest a national “presumptive ban” on the practice.

Harvard is playing host to a “homeschooling summit,” slated to take place (at least digitally) June 18-19, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation. But Harvard’s concern isn’t so much whether homeschooling is a viable, cost-effective, and comfortable method of education for many Americans, but rather whether homeschooling is (and homeschooled children are) a ticking time bomb
The summit brings together a number of “experts” from across the spectrum to discuss the “problems of educational deprivation and child maltreatment that too often occur under the guise of homeschooling, in a legal environment of minimal or no oversight.”

Prof. Elizabeth Bartholet is leading the charge against those who actively resist public schools and she believes that the generation currently being homeschooled is an eventual, if not active, breeding ground for racism, sexism, and isolationism.

“Many homeschool precisely because they want to isolate their children from ideas and values central to public education and to our democracy. Many promote racial segregation and female subservience. Many question science. Many are determined to keep their children from exposure to views that might enable autonomous choice about their future lives,” she claims.

Uh oh, looks like theyre pushing too far again...

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The most hilarious part about this?
Home schooled children tend to excel far beyond public schooled children. and Harvard has a problem with this?!?
Fucking kikes.

The only "Education Deprivation" that occurs is not being exposed to the harsh reality of niggers and spics.

Funny time to choose that particular hill to die on.

The education machine ceased giving a shit about students excelling a long time ago.

>and Harvard has a problem with this?!?
Yes. The whole point of public schooling was to dumb down the whites and empower shitskins.

found a list of all of the invited speakers

I'm well aware of this, it is a control mechanism now.

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This guy is a tyrant.

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No harvard has a problem with your kids not getting the shit kicked out of them by a group of feral niggers, harvard has a problem with your daughter not fucking brown men from a young age, harvard has a problem with your 11 year old boy remaining a boy, harvard has a problem with racial awareness if and only if you're white, harvard has a problem with white families staying white, harvard has a problem with not genociding white people

Speaking of homeschooling though. I'm sitting on the bowl right now and all I hear is my young son singing an educational song he just made up. "Chi neeese peeeeeooople areeeeeeeeee commieeeee faaaagggggggggooooooottttssssss"

I'm so fucking proud right now. I didn't even teach that to him.

Educating the Children is a meme that literally no teacher let alone professor gives a shit about. they just want your money

How do we persuade these people to stop doing what they're doing? I'm all ears for anything legal and I dont mean writing an angry strong worded post on their social media. I'm thinking as well.

Lmao please be real

No, some teachers do. But they usually get fucked over constantly by the admin for actually giving a shit.

Somehow I know about this personally.

Why does nothing ever happen in minecraft with these guys, but it's always school children?

I think the real question should be:
When was the last time a home schooled student did a mass shooting in their school.

Something to think about.

This makes me deeply angry. They will do it eventually too. They want absolute control over the populace. They want the state to be your mother and your father. The conservatives in this country will fight back for a time, but their efforts will be impotent. The leftists will get what they want because no one in the west fucking cares. As long as the average man has his football games and internet porn he will not be aroused to any action. You could rape the average mans wife and he wouldn’t give a damn.

>be homeschooled in the south
>wake up and have to read old testament for 2 hours
>my second class is "why inbreeding is OK and how to keep it pure and in the family"
>finally third period comes around, oh boy i love history class
>"how the fucking aggressive northerners raped us in the war of northern aggression where us pure whites dindu nuffin"
>time for lunch, i eat several sticks of butter, i ignore the nutritional info cause the CDC is still a pussy bitch
>sit down for physics class
>"god created errthang, except for the CHINESE virus and Obongo"
>time for meth class
>my lab doesnt blow up this time, my mom's boyfriend puts a hand on my shoulder and gifts me one of his teeth
>end the day with PE
>its just the body of a local gay lynched on a tree and we have to hit it blindfolded
>we end the day with a visit from the local pastor, he takes me into my room and locks the door

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Well one thing to consider is that if any one of us acts on violence or anything other than basically calling out their bullshit in person with a large group then in the public eye they will be correct because someone used violence against them. We need to call out that they are attacking and singling out white families and christianity and dehumanization tactics like these are always how genocides start especially with everyone on social media being offended by white families and spewing their anti white extremist hate speech, also they are trying to take custody of our fucking children on grounds of intoletance of our religion(s) and our race

Now literally do it for public school in Baltimore

Well. There goes a once-reputable college straight down the toilet.

>thinks the CDC creates food labels
wow you’re actually more retarded than a southerner

commie factory. dropped. next.

Cringe-inducingly unfunny.

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Nope he's just jewish,c'mon now user im going to need you to put that critical thinking cap on

and the one day, for no reason whatsoever ....

Hey we can't just drop it these people are looking to gain legal authority to take custody of our kids based on intolerance to our religions, race, and political ideology. So no, not just "next".

Dumb statement, but there is a relevant point here:

>Surveys of homeschoolers show that a majority of such families (by some estimates, up to 90 percent) are driven by conservative Christian beliefs, and seek to remove their children from mainstream culture.

Even if those surveys aren't as representative as they claim, it's true that a high percentage of homeschooled kids are homeschooled because their parents are nutjobs who want to feed them bullshit (religious or otherwise). At the very least, those kids should get exposed to multiple sides of certain issues and topics. It's retarded to prevent a child from ever even hearing about natural selection, for example.

found the homeschooled kid

>and to our democracy
theres that fucking word again
notice that every time they are scheming to push some diversity they start throwing that word around in particular despite our country literally NOT being a democracy?

It's retarded to let predators like you around any children whatsoever. You advocate kidnapping because you are intolerant of Christianity, the white race and political ideology and this is how you engage in the early stages of genocide.

>and Harvard has a problem with this?!?
I assume Harvard and schools in general have a problem with not being able to shove the Holocaust memorial and everything associated with it every year down a kid's throat.

They thrive on disingenuous and misleading arguments also ignoring that in a democracy the very people they are against would be allowed to exist and flourish just as equally as they can. Just more disingenuous arguments based on appeal to emotion.

Found the kike who wants to kidnap and molest white kids

Homeschooling(proper) teaches children to learn for themselves with the parent as a guiding hand in explaining concepts.

Sell a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and your money goes away.

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>kids should get exposed to multiple sides of certain issues and topics.

these are the fucks spamming antichristian threads. these are the ones saying Christians destroyed the west, while trying to destroy the remnant trying to fight for it.

remember a sad case a few years back in Germany. devout Christian family homeschooled their Young teenage daughter. the state took her away. she was so heartbroken she would not eat. they then put her into a mental health facility.

this is the future bros. don't become like Germany. fight globohomo

Did you get lost on the way to r/cuckfantasy?

With a last name like Zanotti it makes me question the ethnic background of the author

These people reeeeaaalllllyy need some real world consequences for their very real actions. Are words still violence?

This is probably true that she is a kike but read the article it only shows this panel in a bad light and even eludes to them being outright disingenuous and dangerous, which they are. These people are extremely dangerous and once they have your children they will do whatever they please to them because it will be legal.

>looking to gain legal authority
they're not 'looking to gain', they already have it. Learn how the goddamn game is played. Raise your kids how you see fit, fuck the government in that regard.