Ottoman Janissaries

The Janissaries were an elite Ottoman military unit, and the household guard to the sultan. Young Christian children were drafted and converted to Islam, and trained as shock troops with no ethnic or political loyalty except the to the Sultan. The Janissaries were notorious for their martial skill, and were the lead troops in the attack on Constantinople, which caused the final destruction of the Byzantine empire. So hated and feared were the Janissaries in the Christian world, that even until 1760, the battle cry of the Polish Hussar cavalry remained “FUCK JANNIES!”

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Beautiful outfit in my opinion

I wish we could trace these fuckers and murder their descendants, imagine being a Christian kid and fighting all your life for Muslims that raped your mom and kidnapped you.
Literally the best troops of the Ottomans and they didn't revolt once to try to liberate their people.

Protestants also, they helped ottomans in the siege of vienna.

Sounds about alright. Jannies never change.

They were POWS from fighting the West, then the Ottomans took them and used them against Russia

>Protestants also, they helped ottomans in the siege of vienna
Don't forget how Catholic France allied with the turks and were going to invade the HRE should the turks have taken vienna.

Do you have any fucking clue what youre talking about?

Yes the West was allied with Ottomans because of Spain and Russia. Thats the problem

Men spend their entire life trying to emulate/succeed their fathers. And what is a man who fucks your mother than your father. T

Yes but you said something about Jainssaries being POWs and used them against Russia when Janissary were taken from occupied land mostly and used across the Ottoman empire against everyone they fought.

I love the Ottoman Empire because much like the Byzantine empire proved the only thing holding Rome back was Itallians, the Ottoman Empire proved the only thing holding Islam back was arabs.

They have those low ankle socks what faggots are currently wearing.

they were taken as children into the military, basically brainwashed child soldiers,

on the other hand, they had a lot of power and prestige in ottoman society, even having the power to dispose of sultans they didn't like and dictate government policy

I know but the perception is they were traitors to their people but its kind of false. Russia is full of turk-like people like tartans as well, and they were always invading the Balkans (Circassian genocide). They just got caught up as a displaced starved people and the choice to be mercenaries.
Ottoman army was more mediterranean, even if the leaders werent.

Mostly white boys raised as military/bureaucracy slaves was the norm in pretty much whole old muslim world, since sultans did literally anything to not rely too much on their own nobility and local tribal leaders in administration and army.

Based Ottomans. Assblasting you queers so badly that you're still mad about it 500 years later

Muslims were more advanced, before Ottomans and Romans were more advanced before Byzantines though

Netherlands also had a brief anti-Spanish understanding with them but I don't think anything practical came out of it.

Would they rather Ottomans used Arab soldiers or Europeans to intervene. Its better to be attacked by your own ppl

bamp for good effort bread

Based Jannies and Med brothers.

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All that warriors and nobility of every Eurasian empire/civilisation in history were white, even the founders of Chinese civilisation were white

Stop appropriating Med culture. The Ancient Romans and Greeks were not "light haired people".

He means caucasians in general. Scythians founded China, Southern Europe was founded by Romans and Phoenicians from the Snowy Levant. First Muslims were near the coast etc.

>how do i become a better marksman
>oh i know, i will put a giant toy sailboat on top of my head
>yeah that will work, osman wears a windmill and he gets mad 360 noscopes

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Circassia isnt in the balkans thats the Caucasian mountains. I dont think you have any idea what youre talking about.

Romans and Greeks were white, they still are for the most part except a few Arabs and Turks who identify as Greek/Italian

White? You mean pampered and soft?

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all the ottomans were nearly entirely European as well

ottoman empire was a European empire ruled by whites over brown slave dogs. based

*sultan s

The Ottomans usually used people from local region to attack that region, for eventual psychological impact of brother vs brother killing.

Fuck the jannies.